27 the queens room chapter 3

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you ready

yeah i think so

as we step out of the room and start walking it was like a normal hospital doctors and nearses everywere i could help being ceryuse looking into other rooms that were lifted oped this kid hand a broken leag i felt sorry for him as we got fearther down the hallway this room to these big doors that opened on its own to an outside we keeped walking and went inside a

nother bilding with what looked to be students everyone was in uniforms but it was strange these wernt just normal uniforms they were all dected out like a fanticy movye or something your would read in a book i just keeped fallowing dominck

My hart pownding in my chest what the hell is going on here were am i was Dominick telling the truth? No i think im dreaming or somthing this isn't normal even if some of it was true people dont were armor or have sword's and weapons like this crazy outfits. Why am i dreaming this up?

Dominick asked u okay?

Ye...yeah i looked around confused and in amasmint.

were are we going? i asked

to the princess ofice

The princess? i rolded my eyes at that. Here we go again with this crape.

Yes the princes

Now what your gonna tell me theirs vampires and werewolves mermaids

Well that isn't important your not part of their race so your dont have to worry bout all that.

i could feel eyes one me people were staring it made me uncomfterable like i didnt belong and i just needed to get out.

i wishpred why are they staring

becouse your new here and we kinda stand out a little with are clothes just being plain uniforms and all.

that respons mad me even more unconfterbal

i noticed this guy he stood out he had big white wings like a bird i couldnt stop staring just look down dont look what is this mad niss are they cosplaying or somthing is it hollowen time i dont get it i thoughjt people stoped dressing up when they get like 10 years old have people gone mad

After a cuple of seconds walking throw a crowed hallway with nutgobs dressed up for a school event or some crazy shit .

we get to these doors they were huge dubal doors dominick knoks on the doors its me domick the doors open to this big room looked ........

a butler greats use come in ser the prences has been waiting. a laydy siting on a couch she says come in.

the lady gets up to great use at the door

zack is it is it yes the laydy looked young like 12 maybe 15 she was in a dress it was light blue with gold her hair was silver ive maybe se dyes it and her eyes were captavating they were sown cold gray shehad a crawn on her head i wonder if those rinstowns were real or fack her skin was pail lie a snow flake

may name is Annamaai .... and i am the princes in ruling. you may refor to me as head mistris. the girl stuck her hand out with a reshoring smile. what was i suposted to do in this moment. i shouck her hand.

we walk over to the couchis

come sit down

we all took a set

you may have lots of queshtons to aske yes and i hope to answer them

how can a princess ruly isnt it suposted to be the king and queen?

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