18 hospital room chapter 2

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I woke up in this room

waking up in a hospital

The smell of antiseptic hit my nose with artificial fragrance that's normally in soaps and cleaners my mom would buy.

a bright light blinding me as i opened my eyes to see this white room. i had so many questions where am i? but it was obvious answering my own question im in a hospital but why i asked my self tring to thing bake to the last thing i remembered . who am I? Feeling scared.

You could hear the mucheanse going off this beeping sound and these things attach to my arms and chest what the fuck is this i start pulling the wire's off me

You shouldn't do that a deep voice startled me. I look up to see.

a tall dark black haired man Maybe in his 40s standing their he had on light blue scrubs under neath was a black long sleeve shirt he gave me this reassuring smile. A strain of straight black hair fell in front of his face.

Your awake my names doct... .... The words became a blur in my head as and my vision was in and out blurry and hard to tell what was being told and hard to see as my vision got better and my hearing became clear the words the strange man said was easier to understand.

You've been out for some time now and your friend carse so much he comes in waiting for you to wake up Dominick sites by your bed side all day and night sometimes falls asleep ill let him know your awake.

Whos Dominick i thought to myself.

The he began to pulls out his phone it was a smart phone he was texting someone next thing ik this ringing going off it was his phone he answers it

yes hes awake now.
Hes having a little trouble remembering from the antiseptic the foggy memories should go away in a few minutes.

Okay ill be right down.

Who are are you i asked?

Were am I?

Who am I? Looking around the room

Your in a hospital and your name is zack ... Im your doctor mister davis.

Can you tell me the last thing u remember. He took out a black pin from his pocket on the lift side of his shirt it had a name tag on it with the word davis.

Trying to think back

holy shit was that real!! no i think i just hit my head to hard. thats crazy why would i make that crazy shit up the thought of monsters chasing me or that Dominic has a sword. i cloths my eyes trying to make sense of everything. what happened after that all i remembered was looking back at Dominic as he was laying on the ground i think i started running back to get him my mind was in a hase
im crazy i must be crazy why am i in a hospital room nothing makes sense my head hurts from thinking of all this ive gone made vary made.

My eyeslids sloy opened again

"will no i dont remember much it was just a normal day going to school walking home with friends. i think i blacked out and stared imagining things. why am i here? wares my friends?

"your friends are fine. what did you start imagining?

"monsters chasing me and my friends a tacking use up intel i looked back to see Dominic my friend laying their dead the rest just becomes a fog its hard to remember it.

"interesting. you've been going through a lot

um why am i here what happened did i hit my head on something and i am going crazy

no your gonna be just fine.

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