39 zack plain to go see his mom chapter 4

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As I wake up and throw on my clothse for the day. Theres a nokeing at the door how could it be was it siman no hes got a key did he for get it get locked out i get up to check who it was as i turned the door nob and opened the doorn it was Dominick in normal clothes I was so confused was i back home was all that a dream.

Get dressed Dominick said

I thought of how im gonna go to school in my normal clothes again and all this crazy nightmean was gone. Until i turned to notice im not home im in the doormrooms.

Fuck me im going back to bed fuck this nightmear. I said out loud as i lad down on the bed face first

Were going to see your mom today and you can go in your normal clothes. Dominick said

Wait really my normal clothes i dont have to wear that. I said

It would be weird to show up in uniforms and trying to explain it all to your mom will be more to deal with. Dominick says.

What are we gonna tell her anyways its been days and she hasn't heard form me she probably called the copes and has a serchparty. I said

Time works different here you do realize that right of i guess i forgot to tell you that. Dominick says.

Works different how?

You'll see.

I decided to throw on....

You ready Dominick said

Yeah were we going?

To the princess office

Okay. We get their and we walk inside.

So I'll be sending you guys to the human realm to gather your things and get things square away with your mom.

Dominick if you'll like ill have one of are professionals go with to explain.

No its okay I'll handle it.

So zack do you know what the plain is.

The plain?

Yes we come up with things to tell the humans so they dont freak out.

What do u mean tell them what?

Are plan. Is to tell your mom that Dominick rich grandpa wants him to go to this private school and that Dominick didn't want to leave u so his grandpa decided to have you both go it would be grate egucation and that he'll be paining for all of it and so thats why u diced to go with him and that after school he'd picked u guys up to take you you'll be staying at the schools doorms and getting a good egucation. And dominick will use his ablity so that she'll be okay with all this and believe use

So were not gonna tell her anything about the angles stuff.

Nope the humans must not know about use at all.

But why not. They had a course placed on them to forget all about use so that we wouldn't bread together. When we tried explaining they normal shut down and dont believe use call use crazy and if we show them theirs other complications that happen to them.

So if were here in this realm how do we get to the human realm.

Good question this world and the human world are one its like a barrier that humans can't see nore touch here time is different. So time may have passed here but the human world its still the same day. When u first came here it was after school right. While here its been a few days. Were sending you back to the human realm were only minutes pasted buy.

Thats why my mom hasn't said anything to me.

This is how i got Dominick to update me on u with out any time passing and u to noticeing a thing. We have cars that takes use throw the realms. Thats how u got here. The princess said

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