21 were is Elizabeth

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 i look over at Dominick im sorry I know u got a lot of quistins and its my fault for not telling u sooner Im sorry" Dominic reaplys.

"wears Elisabeth"? "Im sorry Dominic says looking down at the ground in disappointment of himself." "wears Elisabeth what happened to her were is she " i said. with a consern looking i need to know pleas tell me".

shes gone.

I place my hand on Dominic's sholder. "Were is she" i baged them to tell me sliding my hand down his shirt relising she's gone grabing his shirt clunched in my hand. Dominic says im sorry.

my head pounding and all i could see is red i throw the thin blanckit off me and stand up i start to run out of the room screaming for her i relisdeced how week my body is and my lages became week. no i must find her shes got to be here elizibith were is she she weres elizabith. i grab onto one of the nursise u need to lay back down ser. dominick and the doc runs after me zack stop dominick says why isnt it working i dont understand

as i scream out for elizabith my lages buckl under neath me as i fall to the ground dominick cachis me. u need to stop zack as tears fall from my face. Dominick carys me to the room i was in and lays me down on the bed.

dominick looks into my eyes and says somthing i cant quite make out. 

what are u saying? are u speaking spanish or somithing when did u learn a difrent lanuige.

 dominick looks confusd  looks down as he wispers its not working under his breath.

 whats not working?

 the docter takes my arm and i feel a pinch as a neadal goes into my arm i look to see what the hell did u just put in me? its medication to relax your musals and help u fall of to sleep?

i need to go dominck says walking out of the room?

i turn to look at the doc as he says this is a lot ik its hard on you. You need to try and get some rest your body is weak rn.

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