48 the truth about the world

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I place the book into the dresser drow and clothes it as siman is siting on his computer playing video games i decided to ask him

Hey Simon i got a weird question

He looks at me oh what is it

So you know how us angles are real


Are other craters also real

What u mean

Like mermaids and fairy's or like werewolves and vampires.

Yes they are why u ask

Will just was thinking i figured if we are real they could be.

Its really not important to learn about them considering your just learning about angles and who you are but if you would like i can explain any topic you want to know.

Do they live hear in this world

Some do but they dont go to this school because this was only design for angles thiers schools just for only 1 race and their is some for all races but one rule is no humans.


Because we dont need them to get sick the other races dont seam to care about this rule

What do u mean

They traveling freely between worlds and they intract with humans all the time but thye do try keaping the virus from spreading like if they get sick they are quarantine and stay in hospitals but for them they dont die its just like a really bad sickniss idk why use and himans suffer a lot from it but its are own doings they just got cought in the middle of it when the curse was placed on the humans to forget about use they unfortunately also got erased from the memory's.

And vampires are they really what the stories make them out to me.

Yes and no they do drink blood but no they do not gliter in the sun or burn at most the sun drains them and they get tired but they just live normal lives like u and me.

What about eating food.

Their bodies have a hard time prosesing it but over all they dont like to eat when they do they sometimes throw it back up.

And werewolves?

Depends on what your refering to the wolfs or the werewolves.

Wolfs what do u mean?

Their is some that turn all the way into wolfs and they can turn when ever they want. They like to travil in packs.

Weird i never emagin all this to be really how come ive never see or heard anything.

We all have this rule to keep humans out of it

Why dont u let them know or at list about the other characters

Because when the curse was place for them to forget they forgot about all of use they also have different rules then us but some have tried to tell humans they eather dont belive them or end up going crazy and sent to lunybeens

Weird they just go crazy

Theirs books in the library if u want to read them but i suggest to focus on yourself and angles rn

Yeah your right  

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