12 headache

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 we gather are bages and start walking to school. mom already lifted for work in the morning. as were walking to Elisabeth house dominic insisted on going a different road this time. up ahead was Elisabeth her crawly hair was so easy to find in a group of people. she wates for use so we can all walk to school together.

walking down this road I start getting a headache.

Dominic looked worried. Elizabeth looked at me, & asked "hey are u okay
U don't look like yourself today." I replied "Yeah sorry just tired. lately I've been getting this weird feeling like someone is watching me". Elizabeth says "finals are coming up, & I'm guessing someone didn't study at all". "Hey! I just didn't have time, & forgot. That's all" I says.

it was a normal day like all the others just a boring afternoon walking home as the sky dimed and clouds formed over

"It looks like rain Elizabeth says

zack Hey Dominic today in class u said u needed to talk to me about something important I remind him

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