50 broke in

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As I get this ringing in my ears im far to familer with it hurts so mutch I want this to stop as it got pitch black i hear a little girls voice zack wake up. Wait what. Zack wake up now. Why. You need to wake up now! The voice gets louder and closer get up now. Wake up!! The voice wishers into my ear as it jults me awake the room pitch black im laying in my bed. It was just a dream thats all it was hard to see anything but i could gor sworn i could make out something did something move thats weird i thought as I reatch over to turn on the light some nocie i clicked on the light as i hear this bang I couldn't believe my eyes as i seen Simon standing their with a bass ball bat and as my eyes look down at the ground it was mister lucifer. What is he doing here what is he doing on the ground did Simon hit him with the bat

Zack simon calls out we need to get out of here right now.

I step out of bed and fallow Simon out of the room what the fuck just happened im so confused did i just see that is this a joke some prank.

I dont know why lucifer was in are room but he was hovering over you he couldn't notice me but when i had the change i hit him over the head to nock him out. I need to alert the gards and report this

As down the hallway was a gard on portal walking around

Hey what are u to doing

Simon help lucifer broke into are room

What are you going on about

It was late at night when i hear some nocie coming from the window as i hid myself lucifer came in and was hovering over zack I took my bass ball bat and wacked him over the head we ran out to get help.

Show me

Was we walk back to the room their laying their was lucifer at the foot on my bed nocked out

The gard pulls out a walky toky and says emergency in the boys dorms room A12 theirs been a brake in of suspicious activity i repeat need back up now.

As 2 more gards arive what happen here looks like lucifer was up to no good again

I new it was a horrible idea to let him into the school ill go reprt this to the queen right away as the gard lifted

Lucifer starts to wake up as the gard holds him down and contains him placing handcuffs incased with a spell stop any magic from being casted.

Whats going on lucifer says.

Shout up u know exactly whats going on. The gard says

Lucifer laughed as the gard picked him up and started walking off with him.

Lucifer calls out zack your girlfriend is still alive if u want to see her. I may have falled the king this time but i wont fall again ima get that pay ment one way or another.

Shout up you crazy lunitick befor i kick your teeth in the gard says

Hering what lucifer said all i couldn't help my mind run wild with thoughts is it true is Elisabeth stil alive can i see her again. They have her. The people that took her. I ... I need to save her. Simon looks over as my jau droped with the thought of Elisabeth still alive.

Simon tells me lucifer is crazy for fuck sakes he need to be locked up.

I look at Simon did you know. Did you all know. Why didn't anyone tell me.

Dominick comes runing over zack are you okay what happen did you get hurt

How could you keep it from me i yelled at Dominick


Simon its for your own good we didn't need u acting earashional and runing off and getting killed

So everyone new but me god im tired off all the secrets and lies.

I started walking off.

Zack wait Dominick calls out.

No im done with this stupid place all of it as. I walk down the hallway and out the doors to sit at the garden

I cant believe all this shit im stuck here with liers. If they want me so bad then fuck it ill give them what they want no one can stop me.

Zack Dominick comes walking up to me im sorry.

Sorry my ass has my hole life been a lie.

We didn't tell you because its dangerous if you go after her you can get hurt. Its a trap they have her alive so u go after her.

And what were just gonna let her die if i dont go

No we have people that are looking for her.

And its been how long now when they relise im not coming their gonna kill her.

And were doing are best

What make you think ima believe you after everything. I dont even know who you are. You made me believe this false reality. Im going to bed dont bother me anymore.

As i head to the doorm room and sit on my bed simon hey you okay im sorry for what happen.

Dont talk to me

I turn off the light and rull over to clothes my eyes and fall asleep.

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