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The monsters are called shodow people also know as angles that were sick

Where do they come from their t

They came from the virus as they virus mutated and instead of killing the host it keeped the host alive causing it to take over the host and the host is gone theirs nothing lifted it just the virus controlling the host

The sick are people that caught the virus 

The virus came from angels and humans  mixing race

How it started to develop in peoples cells  

Altho the angles are not affected by the virus the humans are 

Some angels will become sick because the monsters will take over their bodies 

zack goes to the training room 8-11 3 hours then he has lunch after lunch  her goes to talk with the teater at 1-2 1 hour then he has diner at 5 after that he goes to bed at 10 

theirs a sickness going around called the virus that started when angels and humans created the hafe breads and in their genetics is this virus that if anyone around them will catch it get sick it gives humans that catch it ability's but their bodies aren't meant for that so it kills them over time  this viruse makes u cough up this dark black blood it pors out of ever orfisis and slowly makes u go insaine tho humans cant see this if anything they see them couh up normal red blood that about it they dont see how bad it really is and they dont see the dark black coler do to the curse laced on them.

when the wourld was split these things call showdow people came around they were once angles that got sick and over time became nothing but this darkniss angels dont die from the viruse they just get sick.

the school angles Alllegiance of honor has a sistem  ranking  1,2,3,4,5  1 being the bested and 5 being the worst then they have the A,B,C,D,F. F are for the sick. A are for the angles. the angles with the elemental powers get E. 

  b,c,d are for the half breats 

deturmans how much angle and human they are b is mostly angle and d is mostly human but still have powers

they deturman mental and phisical abilitys 

dominick A1.4    mental 1 phisical 4

for lucifer his an angel but his ability is to take virusus hold them and then releas them AF1.1 . 

angels that are sick gets AF 

my charter BF3.4 

zack A5.5 rn it changes 

the school is separated on one side u got the sick on the other u got the angels

they have a wall that has posters and jobs to take  also on this wall had pasted storys that no one card to read. 

for the angles they had daytime teachers and night time it 24 hours and you got the day time teacher and the night time. if you missed a class you can retake it in that day later on they teach the same classes throw out the day next day is a difrent corse.

the sick only run in the day from 7 to 1. and are assed to 1 classroom 


the angles wear white and blue

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