20 history

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it all stared when the earth was ones hole angles and humans lived together in peace and harmony the two races feel in love with echother and some created babies

Angles now zack says but angles are just a propaganda the churches came up with to get more members. 

Zack your an angle the doctor said

Haha funny angles have halos and wings.i said

Theirs 2 types of angles the royals and the none royals the royals are born with their wings but some will only get them after they take the thrown. The none royals have to prove their worthy for their wings.

Okay what ever zack said rulling his eyes.

The humans and angles rome the earth together untell one right ofter another came poling up reports about a sickness. this sickniss has no cure and will angles werent efected by it humans were dieing from it. this sickniss came from the half bread childrean it develips in their geans and is transfered when your around them but befor we could stop it the world anounsed it as a viruse so many were efected buy it.

the sickniss gives humans powers that only. angels can handle the humans bodys were not made for magice as their bodys reject it and try to get read of it and when it cant get read of it their bodys shut down killing themselves.

But if only the angles can handly this ability and you said im an angle does that mean i have an ability. Zack asked cuckling a little at the doc...

Yes doctor say

But how come ive never seen this ability zack says

Because your ability is complicated to understand.

And what is this so called ability

Were not shore yet this is why we need to run test its something that has to do with this new strain of virus.

New strain of virus? Zack asked rasing an eye drow at this crazy nonsense

Yes. we decided to seprat the angles from the humans by creating the world into 2 realms but some of the angles were agensted this idea and turned their backs on us.

we created this school to have the angels leaarn as well as the half breads.
we also came up with the reserch idea to stop this viruse but no one has come close to findind a cure as we seperat the sick onto the other side of the campuses. reacently these monsters have started apering called shodow people and they were once angles we dont have much understanding of what happenes to them but its similar to what the humans gothrow but they dont die they stay alive just in suffering all the time this created a 3 realm they take angles turn them into showdow people and they are taking humans and making them sick. they paln to take us down and trun the world bake to what it was but they want they humans to have magice and to infect the whole world.

This is all confusing who would do that? How were these realms created?
If this is at all really rulling his eyes.

Is an ability 1 of the original angels have. 

Original angles? Zack asked

Yes before time began their were the original angles they got together created baby's and those babys had babys so on and so forth thats how we got a lot of different types of abilitys now if 2 ability had a kid the kid could get eather both or just one some times they fuss together to make a new ability . 

Its a lot to take in so try going easy on him Dominick says.

ill need to swobe your moth he pulls out a cutip and runs it aganst the inside of my checks he slides it into a bag.

Okay and ill be back to take some blood work

My hart started to pound from the thought of a needle going into my arm pulling blood.

Dominick asked does any of this make sense now

Kinda its still hard to believe how did you find out?

I was born here so i new all my life Dominick said

And u never told me zack said

I couldn't thats what I was told to not tell u until your ready. Dominick said

Untile i was ready you've been my best friend and you keeped this secret from me. Zack says

Im sorry i wanted to tell you I just couldn't.

The doctor came back in

some blood work.

the doc pulls out a neadal wait wait your not gonna use that on me are u will yeah thats the plan. i swalow my spite that biled up in my mouth

hey its not that bad dominic says just think of somithing that makes u happy

the doctor held my arm as i turned my head away thoghts of elizabith ran throw my mind

as i could feel the nedal going into my skin memorys of all of use hanging out together elizabith dominick and me walking home going to school.

i look over at my arm to see the blood fewing throw the tub into glass ....

i think im gonna be sick i said

Feeling light headed and weak like i wanted to sleep.

i chocked down the thought of throwing up after it was done he pulded the neeedal out of my arm

My stumick feels like its turning.

The doctor was getting everything ready for the lade he sheould have some food and water in his stumick dont need him passing out

Dominick please Keep watch untile i get back

I always am Dominick replys

Docrer lifted the room

does my mother know im hear

we are working on that.

i could texted her

as i cheacked my pokets for my phone i noticed all my stuff was gone and i wasnt even waring my clothes

Just a big shirt and shorts

Wears my clothes and my stuff.

we removed your stuff for the time being.

Wait you removed all my stuff why?

Yes its to make sure u dont have something dangerous on hand
Dont worry you'll get everything back as soon as possible.

Wait? I need my phone can at least have that?

No because we have to keep u safe?

That makes no sense.

Doctor walks back into the room the test should come back soon you might have to stay the night here until then i broght u some chips i didn't know what u like so i got a few of them.

Thanks i said

How did i get here i asked Dominick

After the shodow people attacked use u were on the ground u passed out one of are drivers came and he helps me place u in the backset of the car i stat up front and he drove use here.

Wait but if thats true i thought u were badly cut up.

We heal faster then normal but it still takes long the cars we have are magical they can take the mana out of the air and it flows through out the car it self the can can use the abilitys that eatch of use have. If we are siting inside it their specaily made for us.

Magic cars and abilitys all this is confusing. It makes no sense how.

Its a lot to take in ik but im trying to explain it.

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