22 Dominick lifted the room

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Dominick's view

A nock at a big double doors it's Dominick miss
Come in the door opens a big room in the middle was some couches and a coffy tabe the buttler standing at the doors holding it open as he steps in to the room the buttler shuts the doors behind dominick.

a short laydy with lang silver hair in a dress it was glode and white ling and flowy she comes walking up to dominck and hugs him ive missed you. the smell of her perfum was like roses. he stude their not knowing how to respond to this behaver as she pulls away she rubes her eyes as if she was tired. her pail white skin made her look as if she asnt gone out in days

You wanted to see me?

Yes I have a few things to discuss with you

she grabes his hand and pulls him to the couchis as she sits down and he stands their.

oh come on now sit she smiles with her gry eyes that shined with joy.

dominick took a set down.

the buttler pors some tea in a tea cup

thank you the girl says

about zack He'll be moved to a doorm room and classes as soon as posibale

Yes mira is their anything else you like to desgust.

how are things going

okay so far he did freak out when he relised elizabith was gone and the doc has tooken test already to find out were to place zack.

thats good

i have concersnces


my magic its not working

what do you mean

well today i tryed to use it on zack and he wasint responding to it.

she took a sip of tea from her cup

thats because zack has been awaken he had his memorys blocked and now that they are unloocked your magick doent work on him your magick still works just not on him.

hes amund to it


and her i thought it was me that had somthing wrong.

she youns as if shes exosted

i should be going now

oh please stay i love your company i havnt seen your in a while

we will have much more time to ceach up but on things

oh okay

dominick stands up

thank you for hat tea and nice chat

oh and i requested to see zack in a uniform as while as you tomorrow she looks dominick up and down examining his clothes

dominick quickly replies with yes head miss mira he jentlay bows his head at her. almost like a dog submitting to the alfa.

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