2 The beginnings

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It all started when I started 9th grade. I took a set In my first classroom of the day waiting for the bell to ring as this sweet voice comes up behind me "are you Zack. Zack..." As I look up to notice long brown hair and her warm smile. looks up to meet this lady's eye's. A beautiful young lady With light brown eyes.

"Elizabeth"! I said hesitating because I could be wrong. "Elizabeth weaver" I asked again. Her eyes start to water with joey "you remember me" my eyes widen in shock.

"Your the girl I used to play hide and seek with when we were little".

"Yes" she smiled" what ever happened to you".

"My parents moved to this county place but they decided to come move back home to Aspen".

"We lost tuch with u guys. hows your mom doing"? She asked.

"My moms doing good. dad got this job and recently he's been working all day and night so i don't see hem much around the house".

"Wow its just so crazy how things have changed".

she pulled me into a huge as i could smell a hint of strawberry in her hair her hair was soft.

As Dominic stepped into the classroom Elizabeth pulled away. lifted a small smile on my face

her face was a pink color it became vary aquod in that moment as the room feld with silints

" so u finally got a girlfriend. How come you never told me your friendly with the ladies" Dominic says with a grean on his face.

"Come on man you know its not like that she's my old childhood friend we used to hang out & play together until I moved away. Are parents were fiends". I says scratching the back of head.

"Oh so your the famous Elizabeth I've heard about. He talked a lot about you".

"Shut up she doesn't need to know that". I said a little angry & embarrassed.

He reached out his hand" my names Dominic". As they shock hands.

"This is my best friend we kinda live together he's like a brother to me his dad had gotten a promotion so hes never home so he chiles with me".

The bell rings.

I explained to her as we all sat down that I meet Dominick when I came back to Aspen in school and we became best friends eversens I explained how Dominic was In the same class as me in 5th grade.

It kinda got to a sad point were we talked about Dominic only has a mom because his dad passed away in a car accident & that Elizabeth lives with her dad but her mom lifted them and ran off. I still remember what her mom looked like ......

As we walked home from school Elizabeth would often join us as we would stop at her house & mead sure she got home safe we would often walk to my house but sometimes we waited for her dad to get off work & he would drive us home sometimes Dominick would just go back to his house but he mostly lived with me as we shared a room with 1 bed that had a pull out extra matris he sleeped on. It was fun sometimes but we did fight now & again.

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