4 later in the day

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later in the day

I meet back up with dominic for english together. I seat close to the window a grate view of the out side campuss. as the teacher assins a task to open are books and read and anser the queshions as the teacher keeped rembling on I zone out glansing at my text book.


I look around the classroom to fine no one calling my name. just a bunch of kids with their nouse in the books in cluding dominic not eaven noticing me staring at him at all. I looks back at my work trying to read it as the ringing stars up in my head and everything goes blank no one in sit just me alone in a dark classroom I feels this sudden urge drawing me to start out the window just treas blowing in the wind as the sky stays the same.

"hey zack u okay" Dominic staring at me his seat was next to mine. I snape back to reality. I look over at him and everything was blury i squinted my eyes but even that didnt help as i blinked my eyes feeling tired I crosed my arms in on the desk and layed my head down to take a nape.

"you dont look so good your face is pail and losing cooler" Dominick says

the teatcher looks over

"take him to the neurs Dominic" the teacher says.

as Dominic puts my arm around is shoulder we get about alf way to the nurse
My eyes start to rule in the back of my head and my lages buckle under me

Hey stay with me zack Dominick says

He picks my lages up carry's me as i slowly pass out  with my arm over Dominic's sholders walking to the ners he opens up the door as the ners stands up from her seat and walks over to get the door Dominic lays me down on the bed.

The nurse says "again this is getting out of hand ill have to talk with the prinssic about this".

"shit we cant keep him at this school its to dangerous and his eyes look at them their changing again. to a green cooler. he cant control it. Dominic says to the ners

but thats why your here this is want u singed up for Dominic he'll be fine as long as he has u.

Thats what everyone keeps telling me but i just dont see how im any help to him. Dominick says

their finding out were hes at they are coming here more and more. I think its time to move him to the other realm were hes safer their.The nerus

i start to wake up

as the room is nothing but black and there's not a sound in sight. the darkness slowly fads away and I wake up to Dominic right next to me and the nurs. As the ringing disappears. I try's to sit up Dominic grabes my shoulder and says take it easy u just passed out from the heat your okay drink this and u should feel better.

Dominic hands me a water bottle and a vitamin tabe as I takes it and lay back down.

"damn my head hurts" I said.

the nurs says "ill give u a few minutes to recover ill try getting a hold of someone to come pick u up".

The phone rings my mom picks up the phone hello is this miss .... Yes your sone just had a heat stroke hes fine now wilk need u to come pick him up.

Okay she's on her way

"okay thanks" Dominic says.

"what happened "? i asked

"You pasted out in class and the teacher had me walk you to the nurs" dominic says.

"Are you okay now" dominic asked

"yeah I think so" i replied

as we start to walk to the car my body feels weak and tired.

Dominck went back to class as my mom picked me up drove me home are you

okay she asked


How about we stop to pick something up to eat at a drive throw would u like that

You dont have to do all this for me

But i want to okay ofter the day ended Dominick texted saying hes going to his house for the night see u at school.

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