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  Ranboo laid sprawled out on his bed. The black cat that was snuggled up against him, his only company.

  He was never quite alone, but always lonely.

  He didn't know exactly how late at night it was, just that he couldn't sleep. The pale glow of the moon filtered in through the pained window.

  He couldn't describe what he was feeling if he tried. It wasn't anger, it wasn't fear, it wasn't exactly sadness. Almost... empty. As if he had become desensitized to the fear and anger, leaving him with nothing but the cold feeling of knowing that what was happening wasn't going to stop.

  The cycle of pain and sorrow wasn't going to stop. He tried to stop it. He tried, he really did. But there are just some things that are out of our control.

  He curled up slightly, pulling his tail tight against his body. As if he were subconsciously making himself as small as possible.

  Enderchest shifted slightly before settling back where he was comfortable.

  Ranboo rested his hand on the small creature. He closed his eyes, feeling the rise and fall of the cat's fluffy body with each breath.

  Subconsciously syncing his breathing with Enderchest's.

  He pulled the fluffy creature closer, hey, maybe the world isn't so messed up after all.

  Ranboo groggily opened his eyes, blinking several times trying to adjust his eyes to the bright sunlight that shone through the windows.

  He stood up, stretching, he yawned and stumbled over to his dresser. Changing out of his white T-shirt that was covered with black cat hair. He threw a black hoodie, too tired to put on his more formal attire.

  He flopped back onto his bed, tilting his head to the side to look at Enderchest who lazily prodded him a few times before shutting his eyes and seemingly falling asleep again.

  A sharp knock on the door caught Ranboo off guard. "Just a second!" he announced, walking over to unlock the door.

  He opened to door, sleepily rubbing his eye. "Hey, big man, " Tubbo happily greeted his much taller friend.

  "Hey Tubbo, what's up?" He smiled.

  "Eh, nothing, I was bored so I came over to bother you, " Tubbo invited himself inside, jokingly punching Ranboo in the arm.

  Ranboo chuckled, "well there's nothing to do in my house so-"

  "Really? I assume it was amazing in here considering you never leave, " Tubbo said sarcastically, a stupid grin stuck to his face.

  Ranboo rolled his eyes, still smiling.

Ranboo closed his eyes and leaned back. His tail flicked back and forth through the grass and flowers.

The crisp air was refreshing, and not being alone for once was nice.

He opened his eyes, turning his head to look at Tubbo.

Tubbo's eyes were closed as he laid back in the grass still wet with dew. Ranboo smiled, laying back and closing his eyes.

"Y'know?" Tubbo said. Ranboo opened his eyes to look at Tubbo, "this could have been perfect, " Tubbo spoke, a pang of sadness in his voice.

"Me, you... and Tommy, " Tubbo mumbled his former best friend's name. "Yeah..." Ranboo looked off to the side.

He spotted an allium that sat there within arm's reach of Ranboo. He picked the flower, smiling, he handed it to Tubbo.

"Hey..." Ranboo said. Tubbo looked at it then back at Ranboo.

"Don't give up on the idea quite yet, " Ranboo smiled sweetly. Tubbo smiled back.

He swiftly embraced Ranboo. Ranboo was shocked for a moment but promptly hugged his best friend back.

"This isn't far from perfect..."
9 years ago

Wilbur sat in the backyard of his father's house. He strummed his guitar, humming instead of singing the lyrics to his song.

His little brother sat staring at him, a wide smile pasted on his face. Wilbur stopped playing for a moment, he smiled.

"You wanna try?" He asked the small boy. His ice-blue eyes lit up, giving Wilbur his answer.

"Here, " he handed the guitar to Tommy, it was far too big for him as he could barely reach the strings toward the bottom.

"Okay, " Wilbur shifted the blonde's hands around into the right position. "Hold down here, " he nudged Tommy's fingers down.

"Now strum."

Tommy swept his fingers along the strings, a sound that was slightly off from what it was meant to be played.

Tommy beamed with pride and excitement. "There you go!" Wilbur praised him with a wide smile.

Wilbur veered his brother's hand down into the next spot, Tommy strummed again.

This continued, Tommy was getting a hang of it.

Phil walked outside, he smiled at the sight of his sons. He walked over, ruffling Tommy's hair.

"Dad! Look what Wilbur taught me!" Tommy announced excitedly.

He preceded to play the beginning few notes of Jubilee Line with a bit of assistance from Wilbur. It wasn't really recognizable but he's seven and it's his first time.

"Who knew both my kids were musicians!" Phil acclaimed.

Tommy smiled brightly, looking extremely proud of himself.

"Okay, come on little musician, it's time for dinner, " Phil said.

Tommy leaped up and ran inside, leaving Wilbur and Phil as the only two in the backyard.

Phil sighed, smiling and shaking his head, "that child's excitement knows no bounds."

Wilbur laughed, "Wish I could be as happy as he always is."

Tommy sat next to Wilbur, he stared off blankly. Wilbur didn't know what to say. How was he meant to comfort his brother when he couldn't even comfort himself.

Wilbur heard faint sniffling. He turned to look at Tommy, tears ran down the blonde's face.

"P- Please... don't leave..." Tommy choked out through tears.

It was almost scary, seeing the boy who normally wouldn't even let people touch him acting like this.

"I won't, I promise... It's going to be okay, everything will be okay..." Wilbur whispered.

"everything... everything is gonna be okay."

Word count-1020

This chapter was inspired by the song Glycerine by Bush (hence the title)

Holy shit, fluff is hard to write, how do some of you do it for whole ass books? 0-0

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