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The blazing sun rays fell on two young boys who believed they were the best of friends. Giggles and laughter echoing throughout the green lushful park which was their almost permanent playground. 

Days after days the park watched their bond as well as their friendship grow. It wasn't too long anyway when the elder between the two boys had made the younger one stop crying due to a small cut on his knees. 

With help of candies and playful talks not only did the crying stop but a beautiful bond was made as well. 

It's been exactly six months now as the elder boy watches the younger boy again playing with the flowers that adorned the park. 

A small smile creeping up to his small yet peachy lips just by watching how his best friend mumbles time-to-time while he does something with the flowers fallen on the ground. 

It didn't take him long to notice though as soon a loud giggle erupted. 

"Googie hyung, lwook!" The younger boy exclaimed loudly as he ran eagerly towards his googie hyung

"Slow down, Taetae baby, you will fall and hurt yourself if you run like that." His Googie hyung said as his voice came out more worried than necessary. 

"I'm not a baby anymore, Googie hyung. You're so silly. Oh-Oh--forget that, lwook what taetae made for his googie hyung." His baby Taetae forwarded his hand that was holding a beautiful flower crown that the younger boy made for his precious googie hyung. 

"Oh wow, isn't this beautiful?" His googie hyung said with a surprise gleam on his face. 

"Wear it---no wait, I'll make you wear it." His baby Taetae bounced on his steps and jumped a little higher to reach the elder boy's crown. The elder simply chuckled at the gesture and kneeled down in front of the younger. 

Taetae baby placed the flower crown on his Googie hyung's head and giggled loudly as he clapped his hand simultaneously. 

"Wow---Googie hyung is my princess." Baby Taetae yelled loudly as he stared at his best friend with love and joy filled in his eyes. 

"No baby, I am not your princess." His Googie hyung said as he smiled brightly, bringing the younger boy close to him as he made sure the flower crown was still on his head. 

"Why?" His baby Taetae asked as his lips quivered and his eyes glossed. 

"Because you are the princess and I am your prince." His Googie hyung replied that automatically made Taetae squeal and then hide his red face in between his palm to hide his red face. 

It was no secret that these two young boys were extremely fond of each other. They were almost inseparable yet no one knew about them. Googie hyung and Taetae baby--they were each other's world. They exactly were six years apart yet the friendship that they had was simply unique and compliment worthy. 

They obviously at this age didn't know what love meant but they did know they loved each other so much that they could do anything for each other. They were attached to the hip. 

His Googie hyung was twelve years old and just because the young six year old Taetae couldn't count properly always showed ten fingers to show his Googie hyung's age. 

The park---this park in Busan was where they met each other and ever since they kept meeting each other without fail. 

They have shared laughs, cries and genuine care for each other and the place has witnessed it all. They were each other's favourite. They were each other's safe place. 

"Googie hyung, you remember we were making the neckwlace? It only has the finishing touch lweft." Taetae beamed as he crawled up on Googie hyung's lap. 

"Really? I am so proud of you my Taetae baby, you want to show your Googie hyung?" Googie asked as his voice was filled with excitement. 

"Stop, Googie hyung--you helped Taetae so you should be proud of you too." Taetae replied as he squished his googie hyung's cheeks with his tiny, fluffy hands. 

Googie's cheeks fluffed up as his lips turned into a pout. 

"Okay, Taetae will show his Googie hyung now." Taetae replied, finally letting Googie's cheeks go. 

Googie couldn't help but smile like a fool looking at the younger who was extremely excited. Only he and the Gods above knew how much he adored his Taetae baby. He could kill or die for him. 

"Lwooky!!" Taetae replied as he jumped on his tiny feet showing the necklace that they both were making and now it was almost done. 

Googie smiled brightly at the sight as Taetae simply stared at the infinity locket that could break into two right from the middle. Taetae got up and faced his Googie hyung and made him wear the half part as he wore the other half. 

"Googie hyung, see!!" Taetae yelled happily as googie simply laughed and hugged the younger tightly in his arms. 

"Remember Taetae baby--wherever we are, whatever we do, this locket will keep us as one, yeah? This will always remind you that Googie hyung is yours and Taetae baby is mine, okay?" Googie asked as Taetae wrapped his tiny hands around his Googie hyung's shoulder. 

"Taetae baby is yours and Googie hyung is mine." Taetae repeated like a chant and giggled into the older's neck as Googie smiled brightly. 

"Now princess, do you want some ice-cream?" Googie asked his Taetae baby who was busy staring at their matching necklace which looked so pretty. 

A simple chain which had a handmade infinity sign that would break from the middle. They both made it. It looked simple yet it held a big meaning. The necklace simply was meaningless if it wasn't together hence, if Googie and Taetae weren't together, the necklace would be incomplete just like their life. 

"Taetae baby?" Googie asked again as he saw the younger boy zoning out. 

Taetae looked up and nodded his head eagerly as they walked towards the ice-cream parlour. 

"Googie hyung, will googie hyung ever miss his taetae baby if he gets lost one day?" Taetae, an immature boy, who didn't know much about anything suddenly asked his precious googie hyung, who simply stopped in his tracks and caught the younger's hand tightly in his. 

Taetae stared at their hands and smiled brightly, swinging them at times. 

"Taetae baby won't ever go away from his googie hyung and if ever he does, his googie hyung will somehow find him because Googie hyung loves Taetae baby the most and won't ever let him go." Googie replied, his eyes almost shining due to the adoration and fondness he holds for the younger. 

"Googie hyung prwomish Taetae baby?" Taetae questioned again, his insecurities of getting away from the elder kicking in. 

"Your Googie hyung, promises." Googie replied and promised in a heartbeat. 

The elder between the two ordered a strawberry and cookies cream ice cream. His mind knows perfectly well what his precious baby best friend loves. 

The lovely ice-cream session ended but not before Googie made sure that his messy and clumsy Taetae baby was clean from all the ice-cream he had smeared on his lips. 

That day was more special than they thought it would be and when they both returned home that day they both had a content smile playing on their lips. 

Life with each other made them both immensely happy. 

Um, Hi! 🤭🤭 I said I will be back soon!😂😂😂😂

I won't say anything right now but yes the chapters will be short but it may get longer in the future!👀👀

This one is going to be really cliche probably but who doesn't love cliches right??😂😂

Enjoy the ride, bunbuns!🥺🥺

I love you.❤



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