Chapter Seventeen.

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"Minmin, Minmin, Minmin, Minmin, minmin, minmin, minminnnnnnnnn." Taehyung whined loudly as Jimin rolled his eyes. Taehyung loves to annoy him so much whenever he is confused or lost in his own life.

"What is it, baby?" Jimin asked as Taehyung pouted with his eyes going round and doe-like.

"I already told you over the phone? You want me to repeat those again? Minmin, why does it feel so special whenever he does something? Whenever he cooks me food, whenever he prepares popcorn and ice cream during movie nights, whenever he brings me chips and gummy bears without even me asking and whenever he holds me deep in his arms, holds me like I am a porcelain doll and makes me feel so loved, so small and cute, so warm. Minmin, Minminnnnn, why do I miss him even when he is not around me for one hour, why do I want him so close to me always? Minmin, I am so lost, am I falling sick?" Taehyung asked as he widened his eyes.

"Idiot, you are not falling sick but you're definitely falling in love." Jimin replied as he casually took chips from the bowl placed in front of him and munched on it loudly.

"What rubbish. Did you hit your head while coming here or something? You're talking nonsense." Taehyung replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Tae, you---"

"Even he calls me Tae when he gets all serious with me and we talk for hours. My name sounds so beautiful when it rolls out of his tongue. Though he calls me different, annoying names, whenever he calls me Tae, I know it comes from his heart and it sounds so beautiful to me, Minmin. I can't even explain it to you properly, you know?" Taehyung said, suddenly cutting off Jimin's sentence as he himself smiled looking dazed.

"Oh God, he's so whipped." Jimin whispered to himself because if Taehyung heard him, he would start hitting him which Jimin definitely didn't want.

"Which reminds me, you know what happened to that bitch who said she likes Jungkook? Huh! Jungkook cancelled all deals with her and even filed a complaint against her. Deserved. Isn't Jungkook the best? But I don't know why I was so angry about the whole thing and why I snapped at her before she said anything. I was simply so angry." Taehyung said as he huffed again, remembering the situation.

"You know why you were angry?" Jimin questioned.

"No Minmin, that's why I'm asking you right?" Taehyung asked as he rolled his eyes.

"One day your eyes will fall off if you keep rolling them like this." Jimin replied as Taehyung made faces at Jimin.

"So childish." Jimin said as he looked away trying his best not to smile.

"Of course it is because ain't I your baby?" Taehyung asked as he pouted, taking Jimin's face in between his palms.

"Alright Alright now listen. You were angry and you wanted to even snap that bi---that girl's neck because you were jealous." Jimin reasoned as Taehyung looked at Jimin without blinking for a second and then started laughing hysterically.

"Good joke, Minmin. Crack another one! Me and Jealous? Pfft. I am Kim Taehyung! People are jealous of me, why would I be jealous of a girl who looks like a ugly flying dinosaur?" Taehyung asked as he still kept laughing as Jimin sighed, shaking his head.

"Ugly flying dinosaurs make no sense and they don't even exist." Jimin said as Taehyung huffed.

"Are you my best friend or that duck face's best friend?" Taehyung asked as Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Okay listen, my baby, you were jealous and you have to realize it because why else would you dislike her right in the beginning without any reason? It's not a bad thing if you were. It's okay to be in love with your own husband, Tae." Jimin said as Taehyung stared at him with big eyes.

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