Chapter Two.

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"Urgh, my Gucci slippers. I swear to God, I will sue that person and ruin his whole existence. Does he even know who I am? I can make him beg for his life in front of me. I will smack his face with my pretty hands, huh asshole." A grumpy voice uttered out as he walked towards the Starbucks. He was late and he knows his best friend is waiting inside. He's gonna face a lecture now and all because of that asshole.

"Who ruined your day today?" His best friend asked as he desperately tapped his foot on the ground, he was done waiting.

"I swear, Minmin, it isn't me this time. I met this asshole who almost bumped into me with his beautiful car. I almost died. Can you believe it? I will ruin that asshole's life, just wait and watch, babe." The boy exhaled loudly as he said everything at once.

"Yeah? And what was his name?" He asked his best friend, who was currently being a drama queen, well good thing he is used to this by now.

"His name was---Shit Minmin! I forgot to ask his name. Stupid Tae, stupid Tae! How could I forget this crucial thing but anyway--you know Kim Taehyung can find out anyone." The boy announced proudly as his best friend Park Jimin simply chuckled and shook his head.

Kim Taehyung. A young boy who has a masters degree in arts and is currently quite famous as his works get sold for quite the price. The more you look closely at the boy, the more you will find him to be snobbish, arrogant and sassy. Some even call him rude and annoying and yes, he doesn't deny those because he knows he is. He is a brat and he is proud of it.

But if you ask Park Jimin, his best friend about him all you will hear is how fragile the boy is. He is twenty four yet he is a baby when it comes to his best friend. Taehyung for Jimin is extremely precious. They became friends in high school and by the time they finished college together, they almost became soulmates platonically because Jimin has a boyfriend and Taehyung---has someone.

Kim Taehyung may seem as a brat or as an arrogant young man yet he has reasons for his behavior. He basically has become rebellious. He wasn't always like this but he slowly understood that this is his defence mechanism to bear with his father's antics. If Taehyung hates something the most in his life then it's his father---Kim Daehyun. No it wasn't always like this but life drastically changed after his mother passed away losing her battle to cancer.

That man wanted Taehyung to follow each of his rules even without a break. He was a puppet to his father and hence the rebel Kim Taehyung was born. He doesn't like being a brat but as the days have passed by, he enjoys being what he eventually has become. Because a brat could do something which the goody shoes Kim Taehyung couldn't---going against his father.

"So you're going home after this?" Jimin asked as Taehyung took hold of his bubble tea which Jimin had already ordered being his life saver like always.

"Of course. That old man wants to meet me." Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his drink.

"You want me to accompany you?" Jimin asked as he smirked because he already knew the answer.

"Obviously. He still behaves when someone other than only both of us are in a room." Taehyung replied, chuckling because even though he hates his father, he does know him quite well.

Kim Daehyun didn't really love Taehyung or that's what he showed and that's what Taehyung believed. But according to Taehyung, if Daehyun loved something very much in his life, then it was his reputation---fake reputation as per Taehyung. He wouldn't ever scream or create a scene when someone other than his son is present in the room.

"Shall we make a move then? Uncle Daehyun hates it when you're late." Jimin said as he took a sip of his own cappuccino.

"Pfft. Uncle Daehyun. Please stop respecting him so much, he doesn't deserve it." Taehyung replied, scoffing.

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