Chapter Nineteen.

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Drunk words are sober thoughts, isn't it?

That's what made Taehyung smile constantly while he was caressing Jungkook's forehead.

"Alright now, I have to take you upstairs to your room." Taehyung said as Jungkook simply hummed and looked at Taehyung once and then turned the other side and then cuddled closer to the couch.

Taehyung chuckled as he curled his arm around his waist and one hand on his nape and brought him up slowly. Jungkook immediately closed his eyes and placed his head on Taehyung's shoulders.

"Okay big baby, now c'mon let's go to your room." Taehyung said as he slowly tried, Keyword tried to pick Jungkook up but immediately huffed because damn, Jungkook has so many muscles making him so heavy. Now, maybe Jungkook would be light but Taehyung with his noodle arms couldn't do anything because that boy never works out.

"I think I need to start working out because of this muscle fluff face." Taehyung mumbled to himself as he finally gathered energy and strength and picked him up finally.

"Let's get it." Taehyung heard Jungkook mumble when he finally started walking and Taehyung couldn't help but giggle loudly because of it.

Taehyung finally reached Jungkook's room and very slowly placed Jungkook on his bed properly and inhaled deep breaths.

"T-Taehyung…" Jungkook mumbled again as Taehyung shook his head.

Taehyung placed Jungkook on the bed properly and then slowly took his shoes off and covered his feet to keep him a little warm. Even switched on the AC and kept it on the correct temperature and finally stared at Jungkook's face.

"Idiot fluff face muscle man only makes me worried for him. Now look at him sleeping like a baby. Huh." Taehyung huffed as he crossed his arms on his chest.

Jungkook on the other hand already was sleeping like a small baby but his eyebrows creased and his eyelashes were constantly flicking.

"I guess he's already dreaming." Taehyung whispered as he slowly switched off the lamp beside Jungkook's bed and slowly tip-toed out of the room.

"Googie hyung, what ish love?" A small six-year old Taetae had asked his favourite googie hyung who simply seemed lost and didn't know how to explain the word to his baby.

"Love is something that we both have, Taetae baby." Googie hyung had replied to his baby Taetae who looked at him with confused eyes.

"Googie hyung, Taetae not understhanding." Taetae had replied as Googie chuckled, pulling the smaller one on his lap as the young boy giggled, cuddling more into his Googie hyung's warmth.

"Okay baby, my princess let me tell you properly. Love is what you are to your Googie hyung. Love is understanding, love is sacrifice but more than anything love is hope. Love is us baby. When you love someone, you want everything good for them. You want to heal them, you want to protect them, you want to spend time with them, you want to play with them and you want to keep them with you always. You want them to be happy. Always smiling and giggling just like you do when you're with your googie hyung." Googie, the twelve year old, had replied to his baby, who looked at him with big, round eyes.

"Then, me loves you Googie hyung." Taetae baby had replied only that, after the whole explanation Googie had given.

"Yes you do, baby. And I love you so much more princess." Googie had replied as Taetae clapped his hand and giggled loudly happily with the reply.

"But what if one day Taetae loves someone else also will Googie hyung leave Taetae baby?" Taetae questioned as he suddenly became all serious as his lips wobbled and his eyes glossed.

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