Chapter Twenty Five.

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Jungkook is sad.

Yes, he isn't mad anymore, he isn't angry anymore nor is he sulking because he is straight up sad now.

He realised he loves his little husband, he understood that he wants his little husband and he definitely knows he misses his little husband yet he can't do anything about it because they fought hence, Jungkook is sad.

He keeps sighing and turns round and round on his chair. He feels annoyed and irritated because the situation is really not in his hands because Taehyung didn't even talk to him and shut him out completely.

He placed his hands on the table in front of him and then placed his head on top of it and closed his eyes, sighing again.

Right when he was about to drown himself into a sad sleep, he heard the door of his cabin opening.

"Hobi hyung, please I told you to leave me alone for a while, I am not feeling well." Jungkook whispered slightly yet a reply didn't come.

"And may I know why you're not feeling well even after fighting with your husband, taking out all your anger on your husband?" The voice made Jungkook jump up and rise on his feet, his sleep almost vanishing from his system.

"T-Taehyung--what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, his eyes wide and his hands almost trembling, his words stuttering.

"I came here to say how stupid you are. How idiotic you are. How annoying you are and how done I am with you." Taehyung said as Jungkook pouted, evidently and deep.

"Now why are your lips pouting so much?" Taehyung asked again when Jungkook kept pouting, not stopping even once.

"You didn't let me complete my sentence when we were back--fightin---when things went rough---I don't know what to---" Jungkook tried, yet the words betrayed him badly because he couldn't even form proper sentences.

Taehyung pointed a finger at Jungkook and almost dabbed his finger into Jungkook's chest and pushed the older back with slight force.

"You felt annoyed, you felt anger not because I was drunk because you think a little and answer me Kookie hyung, if I drank with you, if I got tipsy with you, then it would be fine with you, wouldn't it?" Taehyung asked as he dabbed his finger more into Jungkook's chest and pushed a little harder this time.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung with big, wide eyes and gulped because Taehyung is correct. His anger wasn't because he came home drunk that night. People can have a little fun, it's okay to live a little. His anger lied somewhere else.

"You remember the day Kiara came home apparently for a business deal and things went south and we fought like always? She told me she likes you, she told me she would snatch you away from me, she said she would take her chance because she can see we don't have a loving relationship but then guess what I did? I made her disappear, you did so even without me asking for it but why did I react that way, do you know? I reacted that way because I was jealous, I was jealous of the fact that she wanted you when you're already mine." Taehyung said as he stared directly into Jungkook's eyes who was stunned, his breath hitching in his throat, his eyes open wide.

"So yesterday when I was out with Jae, having fun, drinking or whatever, and I didn't come back home, you were getting restless, you were feeling annoyed, you wanted me home right at the moment because you wanted me to yourself. You wouldn't feel so if we were exclusive, if it was very open to you or to the world that your husband is yours. But that wasn't the case because the world may see us as husband's but you knew---know that we are nothing husband-like and that scared you because what if whoever I was out with, snatches me away from you? You were--are scared to lose me." Taehyung said as he finally stopped pushing Jungkook.

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