Chapter Eight.

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Life is hard. But life has always been hard for Jungkook and he knows as long as he has to live his life, he has to face it alone like he is doing it now. There will be no one with you, you always walk alone. If only his Taetae baby was with him.

Life was already hard yet his life has been becoming more difficult because of his husband. He has been nothing but annoying to Jungkook, a brat mostly yet Jungkook can't help but think about him and his well-being most of the time.

No, it isn't like he has developed feelings for the younger but he wished they were at least friends but it seems like Taehyung is much more difficult than what Jungkook thought.

"You seem distracted, Jungkook. Is everything alright?" Hoseok couldn't help but ask his boss who evidently looked distracted.

A frown etched onto Jungkook's features as Hoseok asked him the question. Is everything alright? No. Nothing is alright.

"Everything is fine, hyung. I just will be leaving early today." Jungkook replied as he sighed a bit.

"Oh? You're taking your husband out?" Hoseok asked with a small chuckle.

"More like I am meeting his girlfriend." Jungkook replied with a small laugh that held no humour in it.

"Jungkook." Hoseok replied, shock evident in his voice.

"Why are you shocked, hyung? You do know this marriage is simply nothing to the both of us. It's a show and we are actors. He is straight and he has a girlfriend whom I need to meet and clarify that our marriage is---simply fake." Jungkook said as he sighed a little at the end.

"You say it's nothing yet your expressions say otherwise. It's bothering you, Jungkook, isn't it? Why do I feel like you want to give this marriage a chance?" Hoseok asked as he himself frowned.

"Hobi hyung, you know I can't love anyone else other than my Taetae. But you know if I am being practical, maybe I am hopelessly waiting for something that won't happen---waiting for someone who probably doesn't remember me at all or won't come back to me ever. Now that I am married, I didn't have any intention towards it yet something inside me tells me to at least try and move on but here is my luck, hyung. He is straight and he knows I am straight." Jungkook explained whatever was on his mind.

"You want Taehyung to be your rebound?" Hoseok asked, softly.

"No hyung. I can never love someone other than Taetae yet I feel I should look for my second chance because honestly my Taetae feels like a lost dream. He will forever remain my first love but I feel it's time for me to let go of something which has been buried inside me for eighteen years." Jungkook said as he sighed again.

"You want to let go of it with Taehyung, right?" Hoseok asked as he smiled a little.

"Clear my schedule for today evening, hyung." Jungkook said, sighing, as he diverted the topic.

"Jungkook, don't avoid the topic and let me remind you of something. This marriage was done because he wanted it and if I remember clearly, he told his father that he had someone he loves. So I am sure that someone was his girlfriend? Then why didn't he show her and get married to her instead of you? His father wouldn't disagree, would he?" Hoseok raised a few questions which made Jungkook think.

The entire drive back home from the office, Jungkook only had this thought running inside his head. Hoseok wasn't wrong because if Taehyung wanted, he could simply make his father meet his girlfriend and get married to her yet he didn't, why? He had questions and he needed answers, immediately.

When he parked his car and walked towards the apartment, he could already hear laughs and giggles coming from inside which only meant one thing. His husband's girlfriend is here.

He shook his head and threw that sentence out of his head and pushed the door open to watch the duo sitting on the couch, laughing to their heart's content.

"Yah, fluff face hyung, come here and greet my girlfriend." Taehyung spoke up arrogantly as he watched Jungkook entering the house, almost like he was waiting for him.

Jungkook simply ignored Taehyung's tone of talking and looked behind him to glance at his girlfriend which left him completely shocked.

"Lisa?" Jungkook called, shocked. His eyes wide open and his jaw almost hitting the ground.

The girl stopped laughing abruptly and stood up immediately feeling nervous whereas Taehyung was confused, completely confused.

"You know him, Lisa baby?" Taehyung questioned as he snickered inwardly because of the 'baby'.

"Jungkook oppa, how are you?" Lisa asked as she smiled nervously.

"How does your cousin look to you, Lisa? I am doing great." Jungkook replied with a sarcastic smile.

Hearing Jungkook, Taehyung couldn't help but curse under his breath. Out of everyone, Jungkook had to be his best friend's cousin and Taehyung didn't even know about it?

"I never knew you were Taehy--I mean Tae baby's husband." Lisa said with a nervous smile.

"Yes I am. Well Taehyung now that I already know who your girlfriend is, we don't need introductions but I have a question for you." Jungkook said, as he curled his hands on his chest with a smirk playing on his lips.

"G-Go on." Taehyung replied, he didn't want to look nervous yet he was.

What if he gets caught and his whole "I have a girlfriend and I am straight" facade falls in front of Jungkook? No. He can't let that happen.

"If my cousin Lisa is your girlfriend then why didn't you simply tell your father about that? I mean, he wouldn't disagree because Lisa is rich and she doesn't look bad as well." Jungkook questioned with raised eyebrows, his smirk not leaving his lips.

Taehyung was taken aback because shit, he didn't think Jungkook would ask him that.

"And I have one question for Lisa. What happened to your girlfriend? The last time we talked which was last month, you seemed too whipped for that girl named---Jennie? If I am not wrong. So, you're bisexual now?" Jungkook asked as he almost did a victory dance at the back of his head.

Taehyung was out of words and Lisa didn't even know where to look because did they get caught so soon?

Taehyung knew he fucked up but he is Kim Taehyung as well and his plans never get ruined.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a challenging look and prepared himself. He is not letting his fluff face asshole hyung win any time soon.

This was the last short chapter, from chapter nine, it gets longer and longer!!🥺🥺

So Lisa huh? She is never an antagonist in my books btw so you can relax!!🤭🤭

Let's see how long this goes!😂😂

I love you!❤❤



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