Chapter Eleven.

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Taehyung was wrong, maybe not completely but he was definitely wrong.

Things turned out pretty bad like they always do when Taehyung and Daehyun are in the same room but an angel was present there that made the situation so much calmer for Taehyung and he couldn't help but feel thankful towards his husband.

What exactly happened? Well something that shouldn't have happened because Taehyung didn't come back home to be insulted that too in front of his cousin and of course in front of Jungkook.

Things were going normal but when Daehyun said, "Anyway, now that we all are here, I want to discuss something." Everyone knows things are about to go down.

"What is it?" Taehyung spoke up as Jungkook patted his knee under the table.

"Calm down and please, manners." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung who somehow went quiet.

"I was thinking that now as you're already settled and earning a good amount of money out of your art, Taehyung, why don't you help your cousin here with the business? Keep art as your passion, I won't stop you." Daehyun said as Namjoon stopped eating and almost glared at his Uncle because he knew how much Taehyung hates business and how much the boy loves art.

"But Uncle he is doing fine with whatever he is doing so I don't feel it's necessary." Namjoon said when he saw Taehyung absolutely quiet. Namjoon understood that the boy was literally fuming in his seat.

The whole tense atmosphere wasn't overlooked by Jungkook because how could he? This is about Taehyung, this is about his husband. Yes the marriage is a business deal to him literally but degrading someone and pushing someone to do something without that person's will didn't sit well with Jungkook yet he kept quiet because he had to see where it ends.

"Namjoon I feel it's high time he gets into the family business. He is married now and not like he can give me an heir for the business. Can't he be more like you? Can't he be a little more responsible towards his father? I never ask him for something yet he can't join the business for me. I even let him marry the man he loves, I didn't even say he can't marry a man yet he can't fulfill this small wish of mine." Daehyun said as he shook his head with disappointment.

"Then why don't you disown me and adopt Namjoonie hyung as your own child? If I am a disappointment then better let go of me. And please, you wanted to get rid of me therefore you got your son married off in just three days, don't forget that. It doesn't matter if it's love or not, you married off your son within a span of three days without even thinking about him so please, you don't talk about responsibility." Taehyung replied furiously as his hands turned into fists, under the table.

"I don't want to divert the topic, Taehyung. I just asked for a small thing and that is for you to join the business, I didn't ask for a huge thing and I am not even asking you to let go of your art." Daehyun said as he looked at Taehyung.

"And what about what I am asking you? What about my wish? What about your son, your own flesh? Business is not something I want to do, it's something I can handle. Why don't you understand that?" Taehyung yelled at this point and everyone looked at with different expressions yet Jungkook felt fury inside him as well.

"Taehyung, behave!" Daehyun commanded sternly as Taehyung scoffed loudly.

"Hah! Right. Behave. That's all you got, Taehyung do this, Taehyung do that, Taehyung here, Taehyung there. I am your puppet, ain't I? I am just your puppet! Do you care about me? Do you love me? Anything huh? Simply anything? But you know what? I don't care about you and I hate you! You have made my life miserable. I hate you father, I hate you so much! I wish mom was alive then she would realize that she left me in the hands of a demon!"

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