Chapter Fifteen.

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Another month flew by since Taehyung's fever episode. Things between the newlyweds were going extremely well and it wasn't believable and Taehyung would deny it by shaking his head vigorously but yeah, they have gone extremely close. So closer that they couldn't even go a day without cuddles. Their conversations have gone longer and Jungkook would agree with me that his stress from work only gets relieved with a conversation with Taehyung. Taehyung is almost his healing time, almost. Also, the rules they made? They were literally thrown out of the window, they simply follow none of the rules. It's like they didn't exist ever.

Now today since this morning, mid-morning you could say when Taehyung woke up, he had been in a cranky mood. He feels this gush of anger rush through his veins without even knowing why. He just knows that it started from when Jungkook mentioned his business partner coming and meeting them in the evening for dinner. Taehyung didn't have to stay for it and Jungkook suggested that because he would get bored but then again why would Jungkook tell him to leave? So he told Jungkook that he would stay because why would he leave his husband with some other girl, alone in the house, right? Right. What if she does something, then who will save Jungkook? No way would he leave.

He was sipping on his hot chocolate which may I add Jungkook has made for him. He was so annoyed for some reason that he kept/ banged the mug on the table loudly, which immediately grabbed Jungkook's attention.

"What's wrong, Strawberry?" Jungkook asked when he flinched due to the noise.

"Nothing's wrong and what the hell is Strawberry and why the hell are you calling me Strawberry? I swear to God, you stupid mint chocolate, I will snap your head." Taehyung yelled as he huffed and then sat down on the chair opposite to Jungkook.

"Woah, what made Strawberry so angry, hm? What happened? Is it something related to your paintings?" Jungkook asked calmly as he sighed a little. Taehyung is definitely not in his correct senses right now.

"Nothing happened okay? And why are you even here? Why aren't you in the office working your ass off like always? Why are you home?" Taehyung yelled again as he crossed his arms on his chest and looked away from Jungkook.

"Alright I know something did happen but yes if you don't want to share it with me now then take your time. And I am at home today because as I said my business partner is coming home tonight for dinner and we have work to discuss, it's not like she is coming here to spend time with me." Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes because why would he spend time with someone else when he has his little husband---well he means his new friend with him at home itself.

"It's almost like she is coming here to spend time with you because if it was work, it could be settled at your office itself." Taehyung replied as Jungkook looked at him frowning.

"What? Strawberry, don't be unreasonable and why are we even talking about someone who is just for my business. Anyway, because you want to know, she is coming home because she just wouldn't agree to have a meeting with me so I went out of the way and informally invited her here just so that we can get the deal. It's important for my company." Jungkook said as he sighed looking directly at Taehyung who was still pouring with anger flaring on his nose. The reason, simply unknown to him.

"Her not meeting you in the office but agreeing to meet you here in your home, speaks a lot about her." Taehyung mumbled as Jungkook narrowed his eyes.

"What are you trying to imply?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Your thick coconut skull won't understand. Anyway, I am leaving, I have work to do." Taehyung said and then stood up almost walking away from Jungkook when Jungkook caught his wrist.

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