Chapter Thirteen.

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Jungkook is a simple person.

Yes he is a simple person and he has traits of a simple human being and he has his emotions sorted. Why? Because he might shed tears if he is sad, his nostril would flare if he is angry and he would have a stupid, silly smile on his lips if he is happy and well right now it's the third case. He's happy, actually scratch that, he is super happy and therefore he is almost giggling to himself while he has his laptop open in front of him with files scattered around him on the office table. Yes, the office table. He is in his office now but he mentally is in his house where his new friend is.

There was a sudden knock yet did Jungkook hear? Well no. And he realized Hobi entered the office room after the man literally clapped loudly in front of his face.

"Bro, who got you smiling like that?" Hobi teased his boss who cleared his voice loudly and stopped smiling yet his lips itched to curve upwards.

"No one. Anyway, why are you here, Hobi hyung?" Jungkook asked as Hobi cleared his own voice and looked into his own iPad and started talking something about their business which definitely didn't gain Jungkook's attention.

Though he tried his best to pay attention by clenching his jaw and focusing completely on his work, he was finally able to give some sort of attention when his phone beeped, indicating a message.

He unlocked his phone and the smile he tried to keep off his face for some time came gushing back and he smiled like an idiot again.


Movie night tonight at home? Please, new friend!!!😫😫😫😫

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh out loud at the choice of words and emojis his new friend chose. And just when he laughed out loud, Hobi stopped his work and stared at Jungkook with wide eyes. But Jungkook couldn't care less because first, his noodles/Blondie wants to spend time with him and second, his Blondie/Noodles wants to spend time with him even if it's just playing random movies on the TV.

"Jungkook, what's going on?" Hobi asked, confused as he didn't know what exactly has happened to Jungkook because this man has never ever been so distracted during work. Distraction would also be an understatement because Jungkook hardly is present here mentally.

"Hobi hyung, could you clear my schedule for the evening?" Jungkook asked with a bright smile while Hobi frowned.

"But Jungkook, you have two important clients coming to meet you. You arranged the meeting after so much hassle, are you sure you want to reschedule?" Hobi asked as he was still frowning because Jungkook never does something like this.

Jungkook wasn't even listening because he was busy typing something on his phone.


Only if we watch something horror.😌😌


Yes okay, I have no problem but you're bringing chips and ice cream for me! Okay? Okay.🥰🥰

Jungkook smiled at the small command his little husband gave out because would he say no to him? No way! He wouldn't ever.

"Jungkook, are you even listening?" Hobi almost yelled when Jungkook flinched, his phone almost falling out of his hold.

"Yes Yes I am. Anyway, just reschedule everything, it's an emergency. I need to be home tonight. And I have to drop by the departmental store before going home. So, please Hobi hyung, sort everything out, okay?" Jungkook said as he hurriedly left his office chamber just collecting his phone and wallet with him.

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