Chapter Twenty.

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Awkwardness and clumsiness are the two words that perfectly describe Taehyung and Jungkook's current relationship. If they're not clumsy, they're awkward and when they're not awkward, they're clumsy. But then like an echo, life goes on for them.

Right now Taehyung was currently sitting on the couch sulking, biting his lips harshly, munching loudly on gummy bears waiting for his dear husband because didn't he say that he would come back soon soon then what the heck happened?

But his wait soon ended when he heard the main door opening, Jungkook walking in timidly.

"Look who finally remembered the inn!" Taehyung commented as soon as Jungkook entered but the latter simply kept quiet.

Taehyung for a moment thought what's wrong and then suddenly remembered the ramen incident and then turned completely red again.

"Mercedes hyung, seriously? Get over that!" Taehyung whined as Jungkook walked towards him with a blank yet nervous face and sat down on the couch.

"Strawberry, I don't even kn---"

"You're behaving as if I didn't ask you to eat ramen but kiss me. You seriously are so shy and you're making this more awkw--" Taehyung kept on rambling when he again saw a shaken Jungkook staring at him when he finally realised what he said again.

"I did not mean that! I swear on your beast of a car that I didn't mean that! My lips are working on it's own today and have gone a little defective, I need a check up I feel, don't take anything this defective piece said to you." Taehyung replied in a hurry as Jungkook simply stared at him without blinking.

"Strawberry----" Jungkook whispered softly as Taehyung stopped his rambling and looked at him with a frown on his face.

"---You're always rambling." That's definitely not what he wanted to say but his stupid, plum lips decided to roll that out of his tongue. Stupid Stupid blue head Jungkook.

"I am going to my room, freshen up and then come down for dinner, we can eat together, the maid already prepared it." Taehyung replied hurriedly and already rushed towards the stairs when Jungkook suddenly asked something.

"What did they make? Ramen?"

"Yah! S-Shut up, stupid fluff face muscle man, beast owner, Mercedes hyung, huh!" Taehyung yelled back as he ran towards his room, literally.

Taehyung went inside his room and slapped his tomato-like cheeks rapidly and inhaled deep breaths. He then simultaneously patted his own chest as well.

"Calm down, calm down heart, don't take him seriously! He is straight! HE IS STRAIGHT and he means nothing of the things he is doing, he is simply joking. Don't get your hopes high and watch them crush like a berry. I swear to my precious strawberry milk, stop beating so fast, he was joking and pulling my leg! Stop stupid pumping blood machine, stop." Taehyung mumbled while he kept hitting his own chest.

"Do your work and pump blood don't interfere with mine and that fluff face's relationship because that idiot and muscle man is straight and anyway he could pop up a girlfriend from somewhere and then you will be the one hurting and crumbling in pain so it's better you stick to your job and let me live my life a little longer too!" Taehyung kept rambling to his heart as if it's a person and patted his cheeks again.

"Why is falling in love so hectic? Gosh, it was better when I fought with him but no, this stupid system had to fall in love with him. So annoying. Urgh! I am in love with a straight man! Ew. Googie hyung, it was better when I decided not to fall in love with anyone. But he is not anyone because he is my husband----"

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