Chapter Twenty Eight.

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The sun rays sweeped into the room escaping the flowing white curtains that were protecting the couple from any disturbance.

Their sleep was too deep yet it wasn’t too deep for Taehyung as he stirred a little and squinted his eyes. Jungkook again didn’t pull the curtains properly.

Yes. They’re sharing a room now. They both sleep in Jungkook’s room now because Taehyung says that Jungkook’s bed is more comfortable and fluffy.

Taehyung covered his eyes with his hands a little and peeped to see if it’s too late. The watch displayed 6:00 am so he knew that they had some time more.

The day before was too hectic for them because his dad made them run about in the shopping mall for different kinds of things and they even had to return to his house to sign the divorce papers even though it was very unnecessary.

They’re getting married tomorrow.

Taehyung’s eyes went wide when he realized that he is getting married tomorrow. He wanted to let out a loud squeal but suddenly he saw how he was stuck to the bed even after being so fidgety.

Taehyung gulped down his squeal and then turned sideways realising Jungkook’s arm was strongly wrapped around his waist. A small smile plastered on his lips.

Taehyung has known Jungkook for so long yet he actually got to know him properly after they got married like strangers. Those eighteen years—the missed eighteen years were always a big regret yet now it feels like the wait was worth it.

Taehyung always believed in destiny. He always knew fate is something that cannot be changed. He purely isn’t a hopeless romantic yet he knew that the world conspired so that he met his Googie hyung and of course destiny wouldn’t be so cruel that it wouldn’t let him be together with his Googie hyung in the future.

Fate had separated them yet fate pulled them back together as well. Hence, Taehyung’s belief in fate and destiny simply increased. He not only met his Googie hyung but he got to know the real Jungkook—his husband.

Finally everything fell into place and he is happy but he knows that he owes Jungkook an explanation about whatever happened eighteen years back. Jungkook deserves to know why Taehyung suddenly disappeared one day even though they had promised each other to never leave each other’s side.

Jungkook doesn’t know the reason, the reason isn’t even that big and Taehyung knows that Jungkook would simply say that it doesn’t even matter now yet it’s Taehyung’s responsibility to tell him where he disappeared.

While Taehyung was deep into thoughts, his eyes fell on his sleeping husband—well, ex-husband.

The little Googie hyung is now a big muscle bunny. The boy has now turned into a full fledged man. That little boy who once had lanky and slim arms has muscles all over his body now that makes it difficult for Taehyung to breathe sometimes.

The man sleeping next to him may seem strong yet his emotions get the best of him and no one knows that better than Taehyung. This man is a grown up with a child-like heart which is owned by Taehyung and he knows that as well.

Jungkook isn’t just pretty, he is freaking handsome and Taehyung can spend ages describing his beauty yet he would simply keep quiet because why should he describe his man to others? His man is his and only his therefore his features are also only for his eyes.

He pouted a little at the thought of others looking at what is his but then he threw the thought away when he saw how his muscle bunny looked like a little bun while his lips were ajar, light snores that didn’t even make it much to Taehyung’s ears and his bunny-like teeths out making him look like a baby.

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