Chapter Twenty Two.

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"So then we ate ice-cream together and I whined a little so he took me for a long drive and then he brought us back home and we went to slee---"

"Tae, you have been blabbering the same thing for ten times now! I am so done hearing this over and over again. My ears are echoing Kookie hyung and Jungkook hyung and Mercedes hyung." Minjae replied as he shook his head. 

"Jae, okay I won't repeat it again but are we meeting tonight or not?" Taehyung asked as he brushed his hair with his own hand. 

"Yes of course! We're having our bro time tonight and if you ditch---"

"Firstly bro time sounds so ew! And secondly why would I ditch? Jungkook hyung anyway has to work till late night and I will be bored so obviously I am meeting you." Taehyung replied as Minjae rolled his eyes. 

"You're meeting me just because your husband is busy, I get it." Minjae replied as he kept rolling his eyes. 

"Now now, when I wasn't giving this relationship a chance you had complaints and now when I am already in love with him, you again have complaints? What do you even want from this cute human being?" Taehyung questioned as he pouted. 

"Oh Gosh, you're so dramatic but it's good to know that you're finally in love with your husband." Minjae replied as he smiled looking at Taehyung, being genuinely happy. 

Minjae and Taehyung were having a video call for an hour now. Jungkook has been working too hard these days. It has already been three days since their dat--hang out and Taehyung is actually still stuck there. So, after talking to Jimin for two hours about the same thing, now he is talking to Minjae about the same thing. While discussing they both realized that they aren't doing anything as such tonight so they're going to meet and spend some time together. 

He wouldn't have gone out tonight at all if Jungkook came back home early but Jungkook has been coming back late these days and he gets bored at home alone, waiting for him so tonight he decided to go out a little and return by the time Jungkook returns. 

"Okay Jae, I'll hang up now, meet you tonight." Taehyung said as he waved at him and kept the call, Jae replying with a small wave as well. 

Taehyung sighed as soon as he kept the call. Now at times like this, he misses Jungkook even when he knows he shouldn't because he doesn't have the right. He may have fallen in love with him, he may have deep emotions for him and he may have decided to slightly move on from his Googie hyung but he still doesn't have the rights because Jungkook is still straight and Jungkook doesn't show any sign of loving him back. 

From the day of their date---Taehyung's heart simply believes it and accepts it as a date, his mind and heart has been wanting and craving for Jungkook's attention more and more. And it isn't wrong to want and crave for your husband's attention yet he feels it's wrong. 

He made himself believe that maybe one day Jungkook would love him back too just like he loves Jungkook but he doesn't know if his hope will die in the near future or not. 

He checks the clock in front of him and notices that it's almost evening so he gets ready and decides to meet Minjae a little early because he doesn't want to simply sit at home and let his depressing thoughts attack him. 


I am going out with a friend in the evening, just thought of letting you know.👉👈

Jungkook stared at the message for a long time and wondered if he is the reason his precious little strawberry is going out. 

Ever since the date---hang out, Jungkook has been distracted. He has been very stressed and his mind has been all over the place. He thought the hangout would make their friendship more strong---more special yet right after that all his mind can think of is Taehyung and not just Taehyung but Jeon Taehyung---his husband. 

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