Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Kim Mansion.

“Dad, can you please stop staring off into space and tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung said as he took a seat beside his father, who looked like he had seen a ghost, huffing.

"When is Jungkook getting here?" Daehyun asked as Taehyung knitted his eyebrows.

"Dad! Answer me at least first. Fine. Don't answer me and be stubborn like an old man. He will be here soon." Taehyung replied as he crossed his arms on his chest and huffed loudly yet Daehyun didn't react and simply nodded his head.

Right on cue the doorbell rang and Taehyung was up on his heels. Daehyun was alert as well but before he could go towards the door Taehyung stopped him.

"Let me get it." Taehyung said hurriedly and ran towards the door.

He opened it and there was Jungkook, standing with his shoulders slumped down but a bright smile on his face because he saw his precious husband.

"You're late." Taehyung huffed out though internally all he wanted to do was jump on his husband and kiss him all over the face.

"Baby, I am sorry. There was too much traffic. I promise I didn't overwork, you can even ask Hobi hyung." Jungkook replied immediately, panicking a little but when he saw Taehyung nodding his head, he relaxed again. Taehyung couldn't even say anything else because Jungkook just called him baby! HIS HUSBAND CALLED HIM BABY.

"Dad is waiting." Taehyung mumbled softly as Jungkook nodded his head and was about to enter when Taehyung's hand on his chest stopped him.

"Baby?" Jungkook questioned Taehyung's action.

"Is this how you greet me when you come back to me?" Taehyung asked as his lips turned into a big pout and Jungkook's eyes were stuck on them. He wanted nothing else but to pin Taehyung to the door and kiss him breathless but he can't do that right now because his father-in-law is currently waiting inside.

Taehyung huffed more and crossed his arms on his chest, the pout still intact.

"Jungkook hyung, please greet me properly." Taehyung mumbled out and Jungkook being the whipped husband he is, nodded his head in a daze.

Taehyung smirked internally and was excited because finally his cheek kiss from morning would be reciprocated. But what Jungkook did next wasn't expected by him.

Jungkook slowly raised his hands and placed them on Taehyung's fluffy, bread cheeks and turned them towards himself so Taehyung was now facing him.

Taehyung looked at him with a surprised look on his face but when Jungkook leaned in quickly and placed his lips on Taehyung's lips, Taehyung's eyes were blown wide. He didn't expect that at all but when he let the feeling sink in, he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck.

Now, Taehyung thought that it would just be a small peck---kiss on his lips but when Jungkook poked his tongue out and brushed it on his lower lip, he knew this wasn't a peck anymore.

Jungkook deepened the kiss and Taehyung's lip slipped out a moan which almost made Jungkook lose his senses.

They both panted hard when they separated. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with hooded eyes, slightly glossy and slightly excited.

"D-Did I greet y-you properly now?" Jungkook asked as he was still panting, his lips adorning a small smirk.

Taehyung looked towards the ground, his cheeks scarlet yet his head nodding, a quiet yes.

"D-Dad is waiting, c'mon let's g-go." Taehyung mumbled softly as Jungkook nodded his head. Taehyung was about to walk towards their innocent waiting dad when Jungkook's rough yet warm hands wrapped around Taehyung's big and warm ones. The scarlet hue on Taehyung's cheeks deepened some more.

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