Chapter Three.

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Everything in life is mostly unfair.

Taehyung closed his eyes shut and groaned for the tenth time this morning.

"Can you calm down, it's alright." Jimin said as he saw how bothered the blonde male was. He would be because he doesn't have any more time. He is supposed to present someone to his father tomorrow, whom he apparently has to marry.

"No it's not alright, Minmin. I don't have any more time left. I asked for three days and that old man gave it to me yet I couldn't even think of someone let alone find someone suitable." Taehyung replied, groaning once again.

"I even asked Yoongi for help, Tae. But the boys he suggested you straight away rejected them and the girls he suggested, you didn't even look at them for a second time." Jimin said as he sighed, sadly.

"What should I do? Urgh! I hate my freaking life. Actually no, my life is amazing, I hate that old man who sucks." Taehyung uttered frustrated as he glared daggers at nothing in particular.

"I understand, Tae." Jimin replied, not knowing what to reply exactly.

"God, wait lemme visit the washroom once. I'll be back real quick." Taehyung said as he got up, ready to leave.

They both were currently at a cafe, eating some cake---well mostly discussing.

Taehyung was already lost in his thoughts but just when he was about to push the door of the restroom, the door opened abruptly and Taehyung almost fell stumbling on his feet.

"What the hell? Can't you see?" Taehyung yelled as he balanced himself.

"It's not my fault if you were simply not looking where you were going." The man who opened the door voiced out and Taehyung immediately looked up, recognising the voice.

"YOU! My day was going bad anyway but it suddenly decided to be worse. Why do I almost always face an accident when I come across you, asshole?" Taehyung yelled straight up at the man's face.

"Blondie, calm down. It wasn't even my fault now. You were not paying attention." The man replied as Taehyung fumed more due to the nickname.

"Who do you think you're calling a BLONDIE? I have a beautiful name which is Kim Taehyung. K to the I to the M---T to the A to the E to the H to the Y to the U to the N to the G. Kim Taehyung, you asshole." Taehyung yelled loudly as the man in front of him groaned and then snickered.

"Do you ever shut up or keep screaming like this all the time? You're really annoying you know?" The man replied immediately as Taehyung faked out a laugh

"I know and I am proud of it." Taehyung replied, still faking a loud laugh.

The man immediately took a step towards Taehyung as he abruptly stopped laughing and gulped slightly, almost invisible to someone's eyes.

"Yah! Mr. Beast owner! What do you think you're doing? Don't come forward." Taehyung uttered a little less confident than before as the man in front of him simply chuckled.

"I don't have time for this so I am leaving you---Alone. Move aside or I won't think twice before pushing you." The man said snickering as Taehyung fumed more with anger.

"How dare you! You asshole of a beast owner! I can fucking ruin your whole life within a second. Don't test me you stupid, fluff face." Taehyung screamed but by the time he did, the other had already left.

Taehyung groaned and simply walked back to Jimin almost pulling his hair, restroom long forgotten.

"Asshole, fluff face, beast owner, rude person, dumbhead, stupid blue hair, urgh, I hate him." Taehyung muttered loudly as Jimin stared at him wondering what went wrong now.

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