Chapter Twenty Three.

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Screams! Screams were heard from the Jeon Mansion.

Things are always not amazing and happy and we all are aware of it but the things got pretty messy for the couple right from the moment a drunk Taehyung entered home early in the morning. Yes, early in the morning, the boy didn’t return home at all the previous night which made Jungkook lose his mind.

The last time Jungkook had called Taehyung was at 3 in the night and then he decided he would just keep quiet and wait patiently to see when the boy eventually turns up. And that boy turned up at 8 in the morning that made Jungkook furious.

There were too many reasons for him to be angry and honestly the top most being Taehyung out with Minjae or whoever the whole night not even caring that his husband was waiting for him in his house. But the second one was also important because Taehyung came back home drunk. He was just supposed to hang out but who in the hell said that he could drink?

Now Jungkook didn’t need rocket science to know that Taehyung’s alcohol tolerance is absolutely low and so when the drunk Taehyung dragged himself in their house, Jungkook was worried but more than that he was fuming.

“Mint hair….” As soon as these words slurred out of Taehyung’s mouth, Jungkook immediately walked up to him and caught him in his arms right when Taehyung was about to trip and fall right on the floor, kissing the ground.

“Oops…!!” Taehyung said and he giggled loudly as he caught Jungkook’s bicep and pressed his palm some more on it and almost drooled even in his drunk state.

“Woah, they are so huge.” Taehyung mumbled as he giggled once more and even though the sight was adorable to Jungkook, he couldn’t help but feel his anger still lingering in his nerves.

“Taehyung! Why are you drunk?” Jungkook asked calmly even though his anger was at the highest peak.

“Who’s drunk? I am not? I am j-just tipsy—a little t-tipsy.” Taehyung replied as he slowly balanced himself holding Jungkook’s bicep and then stood up straight walking slowly ahead.

“Okay and why the hell are you tipsy?” Jungkook questioned as he saw Taehyung almost throwing himself on the couch.

“Well, Jae said that let’s have some fun tonight and we just drank beer and oh! Jae even ordered cake and rice cakes, we enjoyed ourselves so much!” Taehyung said, well slurred out as he gulped heavily and laid down properly on the couch.

“Are you a child? Jae or whoever this person is tells you to drink with him and you eagerly agree? Can’t you see your alcohol tolerance is low? Then why on earth did you even think this could be fun? And not only that you stayed out the entire night! I called you so many times and you didn’t bother to inform me.” Jungkook almost yelled but stopped when he saw Taehyung rubbing his temple with his fingers.

“Why are you yelling? I am already having a bad headache.” Taehyung said as he closed his eyes trying to get some sleep properly.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung snuggling more into the couch as he went towards the kitchen and brought water for the younger. Even though Jungkook was angry, he would definitely take care of him.

Jungkook made the younger sit up on the couch as the younger watched him with a silly smile on face and droopy eyes. Taehyung drank the water in one go because the boy probably was thirsty.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung and then sat down beside him when he saw Taehyung almost dropping ahead, down from the couch.

"Careful." Jungkook said as he caught the younger boy by his waist and pulled him back towards his chest. Jungkook could feel his anger slowly melting but just when he thought he would let the matter slide, Taehyung spoke up.

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