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The sun was blazing brightly above the beautiful green garden that had various colourful flowers that almost gave the place a rainbowish look. The scorching heat was so annoying—disturbing yet there were some soothing giggles that somewhat made others believe that maybe—just maybe the heat was simply nothing unbearable.

Little sounds of tapping—more like running sounds resonated around the garden but suddenly they stopped.

“Junie baby—stop, wait, don't run like that you might fall, hey stop.” A small voice called out loudly, it almost felt like the person was screaming.

The said “Junie baby” was still running around the garden without any care of the world with small little giggles leaving past his lips.

“No, itsh fun.” The small voice giggled back but when two equally tiny hands wrapped itself around his waist and took him off the ground—he squealed loudly and giggled more.

“Junie shuperman.” The little boy yelled while he was still in the air, two hands protecting him from falling down.

“Baby stop—it’s too hot and you shouldn’t waste your energy like this. Come, let’s stop and sit for a while.” The one holding Junie exclaimed loudly because according to him it’s too hot to be running around like this.

“Okie, letsh finish my flowher clown then.”Junie replied as he finally touched the ground and a sigh left the one’s mouth who was holding him.

He placed the younger boy on the green lushfull grass and walked a little further away to bring water for both of them.

The younger between the two got busy making his flower crowns, his focus completely on that. His little tongue poked out of his small slim lips.

The older of the two almost reached the younger and sat down a little further from him to take a break but how can he when the younger is always so energetic.

“Binnie hyung, lwook!" The younger boy exclaimed loudly as he ran eagerly towards his binnie hyung.

"Slow down, Junie baby, you will fall and hurt yourself if you run like that." His Binnie hyung said as his voice came out more worried than necessary.

"I'm not a baby anymore, Binnie hyung. You're so silly. Oh-Oh--forget that, lwook what Junie made for his binnie hyung." His baby Junie forwarded his hand that was holding a beautiful flower crown that the younger boy made for his precious binnie hyung.

"Oh wow, isn't this beautiful?" His binnie hyung said with a surprise gleam on his face.

"Wear it---no wait, I'll make you wear it." His baby Junie bounced on his steps and jumped a little higher to reach the elder boy's crown. The elder simply chuckled at the gesture and kneeled down in front of the younger.

Junie baby placed the flower crown on his Binnie hyung's head and giggled loudly as he clapped his hand simultaneously.

"Wow---Binnie hyung is my princess." Baby Junie yelled loudly as he stared at his best friend with love and joy filled in his eyes.

"No baby, I am not your princess." His Binnie hyung said as he smiled brightly, bringing the younger boy close to him as he made sure the flower crown was still on his head.

"Why?" His baby Junie asked as his lips quivered and his eyes glossed.

"Because you are the princess and I am your prince." His Binnie hyung replied. The reply wasn’t something that the younger expected so it automatically brought a frown on his lips.

“But you look so beautiful, so pretty with the clown, you’re the princess and that’s final. No more fighting with me over this.” Little Junie argued some more and Binnie hyung could only sigh with a small smile playing on his lips because if the younger said he is the princess, he is the princess.

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