Chapter One.

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Glancing at his wrist watch he stared at the bright red light flashing in front of him. He's running late but why would he break traffic rules? One shouldn't due to safety.

"C'mon, c'mon! The road is freaking empty! I am already late." The young man uttered groaning as his fingers danced on his steering wheel due to extreme frustration.

He let out a sigh of relief once he saw the red light change into green as he hurriedly accelerated his car and rushed towards his office.

"Should I get coffee or should I just---no! I can't work without coffee." He talked to himself or more like to his car and decided he needed to stop by a Starbucks first.

He was in a hurry and therefore his driving was anything but smooth. He could see Starbucks was right ten feet away from him so he accelerated some more and was about to halt the car but someone stopped right in front of his car, screaming.

"This is not my day." The young man grumbled to himself and got out of his car immediately to check whether the person who almost caused an accident was fine or not.

The young man got out of his Mercedes Benz and checked his car first. His palm ran through the bonnet of the car as he mumbled a "thank God, you're safe baby."

"Excuse me? You bumped into me with this beast and all you care about is this CAR? YOU ALMOST KILLED ME." The person who almost decided to bump into his car yelled as his nostril flared.

"I almost killed you? If anything, you were the one that jumped in front of my baby." The young man retorted back as the man in front of him squinted his eyes.

"I didn't freaking jump in front of your car, it was you who was rash driving, you do know that's a crime right? You don't look like those typical people to break rules then why do you want to kill me, you asshole?" The man in front of him spoke up, his voice rising after each sentence.

"Asshole? I am an asshole? First, you jump in front of my car and instead of apologizing you're screaming at my face and calling me an asshole. If anything you're behaving like an asshole." The owner of the Mercedes Benz argued back, slowly losing his temper because first--he didn't drink his coffee and secondly--he was freaking late.

"You are calling me an asshole? Do you have any idea who I am?" The man in front of him replied scoffing as his index finger was pointed towards him.

"Yes I am. And why are you asking me who you are? Don't you know your own name?" The Mercedes Benz owner argued back, almost smirking.

"You know what? Fuck you. My name is Kim Taehyung and I will make sure you pay for what you did right now. Remember my name, ASSHOLE." The man---Kim Taehyung yelled sassily with anger quite visible to his tone and walked away not even sparing another glance towards the owner of the beautiful black Mercedes Benz.

"C'mon baby, let's go. My mood got more ruined so maybe we have to deal with office coffee today." The man sighed as he again ran his hand on his beautiful car.

He swiftly got inside his car and drove towards his work. He can't be late anymore.

"Kim Taehyung." He mumbled to himself.

The boy was definitely younger to him. Honestly, the boy was a beauty. Not that he paid much attention but he definitely didn't miss the pretty blonde hair falling on his beautiful fair forehead that almost covered his grey-blue eyes.

"Such waste of beauty. The boy has everything yet lacks the most important thing---manners. Kim Taehyung, huh--whatever." He mumbled to himself and finally reached his office.

As soon as he entered the office he was greeted with his 'always bright' secretary---Jung Hoseok.

The man had black hair and was older than his boss. The man had extremely difficult days yet no one can say that any of them has ever seen him without a bright smile on his face.

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