Chapter Nine.

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Life is annoying and Taehyung completely agreed to it because Jungkook is annoying. Well Jungkook isn't Taehyung's life, no way! But for now his life is just like how Jungkook is right now, annoying as heck.

"Alright, listen here beast owner!" Taehyung called out as Lisa inhaled a deep breath knowing their lies will literally make no sense because her oppa has already seen her and her girlfriend over a video call where they were being grossly in love.

"Manners, fidgety." Jungkook called out, smirking as he saw Taehyung being overly fidgety while his leg went up and down.

"Alright, Mercedes hyung, listen. I didn't introduce Lisa to my irritating father because that old man gave me an ultimatum of three days, okay? Lisa as she is your cousin, you know it better, was not here in Seoul and obviously she couldn't be here before and therefore I needed someone for the time being but how would I know my over-smart father wanted to get rid of me so soon. I needed someone within three days, okay?" Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes looking at Jungkook, who kept looking at him with skeptical eyes.

"Okay, my next answer should come from Lisa, so dear cousin, what happened to Jenes or something?" Jungkook was a bit confused because he is never good with names.

"Jennie. And well you know relationships these days keep ending and even though I was so in love with her, we weren't so compatible with each other and eventually we decided to end it, mutually." Lisa answered confidently even though her heart was beating erratically. Lies are after all never easy to spill that too if the lies are about his months old girlfriend, who she very grossly loves till now and they're very much together too.

Taehyung mentally praised Lisa because c'mon the girl isn't his right hand for nothing.

"Well done, bish! I'll buy you something new from Gucci soon!" Taehyung mentally reminded himself as he giggled mentally when Jungkook stared at him, smirking. He wasn't done yet.

"Oh now that everything is clear, I was thinking something. Lisa, I am sure you will be getting back soon so why don't Taehyung and I try to give this relationship a chance. I mean just like you said a few minutes back, relationships these days keep ending so why don't you just end it with him? He's married after all." Jungkook threw out his last Trump card with a winning siren in his head but Taehyung is not a loser, no-uh! Absolutely not. He is a born winner.

"Yah! Fluff face hyung, why are you being cupid's enemy and trying to break something as beautiful as our relationship? Don't you feel bad for my baby, right here? She will be crying and crying and crying so much if you break us apart, please don't do this." Taehyung gave out his best fake crying face and Jungkook couldn't help but snicker.

Lisa stared at Taehyung and cringed at each and every word Taehyung uttered but soon she groaned when Taehyung hit her legs harshly under the table.

"Ow---I mean ahh, don't do this oppa! Don't break us apart." Lisa cried out due to the pain in her leg as Taehyung laughed evilly. If a bish doesn't cry, he has his own ways.

"Alright, stop being cry babies literally. I am doing nothing. I am single but that doesn't mean I would separate love birds. Live happily and be together. And Lisa, there is nothing between us, so don't feel insecure or anything. I am going now." Jungkook said and soon stood up when Taehyung stood up as well and rushed towards Jungkook.

"Where are you again go----" before Taehyung could complete his sentence he tripped on air or probably cupid's arrow and was about to kiss the ground because he probably annoyed the hell out of cupid but again the cupid in the middle felt sorry and made Jungkook, who simply caught him smoothly in his arms.

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