Chapter Twelve.

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The ceiling looks beautiful and absolutely interesting when you have a lot on your mind. And that's exactly what's up with Taehyung. He finds the ceiling so much interesting currently.

There's a reason and no he hasn't completely gone crazy. He finds the ceiling so interesting because there's a lot on his mind currently and it's just five in the morning. When was the last time he saw the sun rise? Not relevant so let's not talk about it but anyway today he is up having a lot on his mind and actually it's just a person on his mind and that is his husband, hi--no! Just Jungkook, yes! just Jungkook.

He has been restless, very restless the whole night. He has been fidgeting, rolling from one side to another and frowning with screaming his heart out into his pillow yet he can't take Jungkook out of his head. Jungkook, get the heck out of his head and let the boy sleep. That's exactly what Taehyung wants to say yet every time Jungkook's name floats in his mind like a big ship, he can't help but let out a giggle and blush red like a tomato. What the hell? Why should he feel like this?

But every time he gets this tingly feeling in his stomach, he gets up immediately and slaps himself lightly because why should he harm himself? No way bro, he's too beautiful to do so.

But he gets up and sits quietly wrapping his blanket around him making himself a living burrito because he feels a gush of guilt feeling rising at the pit of his stomach. His heart and mind only screaming one name. Googie hyung.

"Nah, Taehyung! You're googie hyung would be proud if he knew that you are not acting snobbish and arrogant towards someone who helped me. Yes! Googie hyung would be proud if I befriended Kookie hyung---woah! Kim Taehyung! Shut the hell up! Kookie hyung? From where did that come up? Jungkook! Jungkook! He is no kookie hyung! Just Jungkook, Jungkook just. Yes! Jungkook, friends, no kookie hyung, only Mercedes hyung and the beast owner, sorted! You can do this! Fighting." Taehyung yelled in his mind as he patted his chest and reassured himself. Googie hyung would be proud and he would be happy.

He's gonna befriend Jungkook. He deserves at least that much after what he did yesterday. And of course he, himself deserves at least that much because after all he didn't stay up all night till five in the morning sitting up and lying down and again sitting up and lying down and continuing it for God knows how many times for nothing.

"But how to befriend him? I just can't go and smack him at the back and say Yo! Jungkook! My bro! Let's be friends. Nope, definitely not gonna work and bro? Ew. How can my husband be my bro? Tae is so stupid." Taehyung's habit of talking to himself continues as he giggled to himself happily.

"Hm, maybe I can prepare him breakfast? Yes! That's a good idea! Breakfast it is." Taehyung again talked to himself and then jumped out of his burrito state and rushed to the washroom to finish his morning routine and get ready to prepare breakfast. He is super excited.

So by the next two hours which meant by the time it was seven in the morning, Taehyung was perfectly ready with a cup of tea and of course breakfast for Jungkook because he wants to take the first step and become his friend. They must have some progress in their relationship right? Right.

The next step was to wake Jungkook up but sweetly which is child's play for Taehyung and with that he opened the door of Jungkook's room, throwing away the rule of not entering each other's room without permission out of the window and slowly placed the cup of tea on the side table first because that liquid was hot.

After keeping the cup aside he threw the first glance at Jungkook as his breath hitched. Jungkook looked nothing like how he usually looks. Gone was that genius, handsome, hot and always serious workaholic, hot and sexy and breathtaking and did he mention hot? Yeah okay, you get it, Jungkook because now sleeping there was a simple boy, a young boy with hair falling in all directions and his face all squished up in a pillow, his lips parted with slight drool at the corner of his lips, his bunny tooth completely on display. Though he was snoring it didn't seem like it reached Taehyung's ears and there was Taehyung, gulping hard with his mouth drooling. Heaven knows why?

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