Chapter Fourteen.

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Two weeks had passed. Two weeks means fourteen days and the last fourteen days in the newly wedded couple's life have been amazing because they have been having these frequent movie nights, oh, they have even done numerous lunch and dinner together even though Jungkook was busy with his office work.

Now today is just like any other day. And Jungkook was up on his heels to make breakfast which they both would eat together while giggling on random things or roasting any brand Taehyung hates. Gucci and Louis Vuitton are out of the topic obviously because Taehyung is a sucker for those two brands.

Taehyung is a late riser. He never wakes up before ten in the morning and Jungkook is quite used to it by now. Now, they usually don't eat breakfast together because Jungkook leaves for work and then Taehyung wakes up but today is slightly different because today Jungkook will be leaving for work before lunch which has quite some time now.

Jungkook cooked some pancakes and even kept oats for himself as he first took a sip of his hot coffee. Coffee for him in the morning is a must. If he doesn't get his morning coffee, he will be cranky and he will even spill out not so loving words for anyone who is in front of him. There are exceptions though, well just one exception. Who? That's for you to figure out.

Jungkook glanced at his wrist watch and saw it was almost eight. He sighed and kept the coffee cup on the breakfast table and then looked towards the stairs that led upstairs. He wanted to walk up and sit with Taehyung in his room and caress his soft hair while the younger one slept.

Yes, it has been quite a few days since Jungkook realized that he felt a certain amount of fondness for his little husband. He is his friend and Jungkook can't help but feel protective over him. He felt like he had to cuddle him up in his hold and take him away from the world because that's what Taehyung deserves. When Taehyung wasn't his friend, he definitely behaved like a brat but now that they are friends and so close to each other and on the path of understanding each other, Jungkook understood that Taehyung is simply a fragile baby who needs to be taken care of.

Jungkook has been in a dilemma and he felt that how could he feel like this for someone other than his Taetae baby but he reassured himself every time by saying that Taehyung is his friend now and he would definitely be concerned and protective over his friend. It's okay to be like this. It doesn't have to mean something else, it's just you being protective over the newly found friend. It's okay.

So even though his mind tried stopping him from walking towards the younger one's room, his heart simply whispered that it's okay. He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door of Taehyung's room but even after knocking five times, the younger one didn't reply. Now as it was mentioned before, Taehyung is not an early bird so he definitely isn't out somewhere which made Jungkook panic. Is something wrong with him? Is he okay?

He didn't wait anymore and pushed the door and walked inside only to find Taehyung sleeping on the bed with his bedsheets covering him till his neck. Jungkook sighed a breath of relief but soon his eyebrows creased and he frowned because why does it look like Taehyung is shivering? Jungkook walked closer to him and bent down a little to see the discomfort on Taehyung's face even though the said boy was sleeping.

Jungkook slowly raised his palm and placed it on Taehyung's forehead and he immediately flinched. The boy was burning. Jungkook's frown deepened as he slowly removed the hair from Taehyung's forehead and caressed his forehead for a little time. Though he didn't want to, he shook Taehyung slowly as the boy woke up as his eyes watered.

Jungkook felt his heart stinging looking at Taehyung so much in pain. It was obvious he was in tremendous pain. Jungkook made Taehyung sit up slightly and Taehyung immediately placed his head on Jungkook's shoulder. The boy was definitely in subspace and he had no idea about his actions.

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