Chapter Seven.

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Work is something that Jungkook loves. Work can be extremely annoying to many yet to Jungkook, work is his escape. He tries to escape himself from reality with the help of work and it always helps.

But when Jungkook entered his company today, he was stressed---distracted. The main cause behind it being his precious little husband.

Jungkook still doesn't have an idea why Taehyung has been on his mind so much lately. The boy is a total stranger to Jungkook yet Jungkook can't help but think that the boy is quite close to him. It's funny how Taehyung can't stand him---well it's kinda mutual too but why does Taehyung feel so known, so familiar to him?

It's strange but it's true and Jungkook absolutely hates this. He hates it because somehow Jungkook's own behaviour around Taehyung is so out of control and so unpredictable. He doesn't know how to feel about it because Jungkook as far as he remembers has never ever gone so close to anyone. But yet today morning he almost touched the boy's firm yet curvy waist and not to forget the way he called him princess more than once. And this fact scares Jungkook---it terrifies Jungkook because Jeon Jungkook has only one princess and that's his Taetae baby not some random boy named Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook hardly knows about his Taetae baby much yet he knows that he just needs to see him once and he will recognize him. And what if Taehyung has a Tae in his name? It doesn't mean he is Taetae. There are numerous Tae in Korea. Jungkook will wait for his Taetae baby because he knows that he will find him one day. But it has nothing to do with Taehyung, that's it. If only Jungkook knew.

Well that's more or less for Jungkook. As per his boring schedule every day, he is working now but as for Taehyung---well that boy is busy finding himself a girlfriend.

"Listen Jae, you give me another shitty solution and I swear I will throw a whole cake at you, try me---you know I don't lie when it comes to these threats." Taehyung spoke through his phone and on the other side was Minjae, Kim Minjae, who was laughing his heart out hearing Taehyung's situation.

Now it's no secret that everyone who knows Kim Taehyung knows about his infamous Googie hyung. But that's the thing, Taehyung didn't befriend anyone or everyone. True, he is a social butterfly but when it comes to making friends, he's too choosy just as he should be. You pass his vibe check and maybe you can be his friend in the near future but if his vibe check rejects you, then sorry bro, you have no luck.

This was one of the major reasons why Taehyung was friends with people a bit older to him. He has some amazing friends, again thanks to him being so choosy. Minjae is one of those who had immediately passed his vibe check and now they're great friends.

"Sorry, Tae but your situation is simply so funny. For a brat like you, I can't even believe he caught you off guard. He seems so interesting, you should give him a chance, you know?" Minjae's loud voice echoed from the other side of the phone as Taehyung sighed deeply. Minjae can be such a trouble for him sometimes.

"I would've called Jimin if I had to hear this. And he knows I have a girlfriend and he is straight. Also, I only love my Googie hyung. Jae, are you helping me with a girl or should I just think about the cak---" Taehyung's deep threatening voice was cut off when Minjae suddenly sounded extremely excited.

"Wait Tae! I know someone. She will be perfect for you. How can I even forget that she returned to Korea recently from New York. Can you understand who I am talking about?" Minjae's excited voice screamed through the phone.

"Firstly, calm down. Secondly, don't tell me you're talking about my right hand, my main bish?" Taehyung asked, equally excited.

"That's right. Listen, her contact number is still the same so just give her a call. She's gonna scream at you because you didn't contact her for a month or so but you know she loves you. I am absolutely sure she will be up for it and also, no one knows her here so that'll be great." Minjae replied as his voice beamed with happiness.

"You're right. She's safe. No one knows her here and even if they know her, no one knows we're acting to be a couple. Anyway, thanks Jae. Let me treat you when you're free soon, let me know. Now bye, I have to call her." Taehyung replied as he sounded too excited and kept the call when he heard Minjae screaming a loud okay.

It didn't take him much to call her up and as per Minjae's warning, she was furious but since Taehyung is her closest friend, she would do anything for him.

"It's perfect, Taetae. Now let's see what that Asshole fluff face hyung can do. I have a girlfriend now. He wanted proof right, here is proof." Taehyung almost thought out loud as he smirked to himself.

Taehyung was too lost in his thoughts when his eyes subconsciously fell on his left hand's ring finger where his marriage band wrapped his slender finger beautifully. Taehyung was almost frozen for a moment but the next moment he blinked his eyes rapidly and his nostrils flared due to anger.

"How can I wear someone else's ring when my heart only belongs to my Googie hyung? I should be wearing a ring that my Googie hyung would make me wear when we exchange I do's. I hate this ring, I hate the one who made me wear it." Taehyung mumbled with anger oozing through his veins as he glared at the pretty metal that had autumn leaves engraved to it.

He for once thought that he would slip it out and throw it somewhere yet something deep inside him told him not to and he didn't. He sighed and just decided to ignore the ring.

He caught his phone tightly in his palm when he heard the main entrance opening, indicating Jungkook is back.

"Look who's back walking inside the house like this is an inn." Taehyung commented immediately when he saw Jungkook walking inside completely minding his own business.

Now why did Taehyung have to comment something like that when Jungkook wasn't even doing anything? Because Taehyung just has to get on his nerves. He likes---loves to rile up Jungkook.

"What do you want, Taehyung?" Jungkook questioned as he walked towards the kitchen, to drink some water.

"I want you to be free for dinner tomorrow, you're meeting my girlfriend." Taehyung announced loudly as he smirked looking at Jungkook's back, the suit covering his well-built body so well.

Jungkook was already drinking water when Taehyung started talking but he immediately stopped when Taehyung completed the sentence. Again, something inside his chest felt strange when he heard it. He gulped down the water still in his mouth and sighed, turning around.

"I am busy." Jungkook replied shortly as he walked ahead to walk past Taehyung.

"You're coming back early tomorrow, no excuses. You're meeting my girlfriend." Taehyung repeated again.

"And I said I am bus---"

"Please fluff face hyung? I already told her about you---us. She wants to meet you so that you assure her that we don't have anything, husband-like between us." Taehyung pleaded as he cut off Jungkook's sentence in between. His eyes turned more round and puppy like that it already is.

Jungkook closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath. He looked away from Taehyung's puppy eyes and nodded his head.

"Tomorrow, dinner. We're meeting your girlfriend." Jungkook replied without any expression on his face or voice.

Oh how bitter that sentence sounded on Jungkook's tongue not knowing how bitter it sounded to Taehyung's entire being as well.

Taehyung is super dumb here because girlfriend?? Seriously Tae??? And even Jungkook is?? Can't you just communicate with Tae directly?? 😤😤😤😤😤
That's definitely what you're thinking 😂😂😂😂

Well, that's definitely not what I will let happen so😂😂😂😂😂

Anyway, the concert today was so beautiful and emotional and of course hot🥵🥵🥵🥵

And THE VLIVE?????? OMGGG????😭😭😭😍😍😍😍 I really didn't survive both!!😭😭

I am so excited for tomorrow!!😌😌

Anyway, I love you!❤❤



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