Chapter Twenty One.

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"STRAWBERRY ARE YOU READY?" Jungkook's loud voice resonated in the entire house or you could call it a mansion.

Well as per Jungkook's words, they are going out---hanging out as friends nothing more nothing less today. Did Jungkook have an off or less work as he said? No he didn't. He very well had work and things to do yet he felt he had to do something because their fight was still bothering him. He would make any excuses but wouldn't agree to the fact that he just wants to spend some quality time with his dear husband, Taehyung.

"Can't a man get ready to take his own sweet time?" Taehyung said as he walked down the stairs, rolling his eyes.

"Strawberry you have been getting ready for one hour?! What were you doing for so long? I would've got ready, eaten breakfast and even come back from a morning jog by the time you got ready." Jungkook said as he glanced at his wrist watch. It was almost eleven and Taehyung again woke up late today.

"Fine, I am done and here already." Taehyung replied as he came and stood in front of Jungkook with a big smile on his face.

Jungkook was about to bicker some more when his voice struck in his throat because Taehyung can pull off any look without even trying much. The boy didn't even have make-up on yet he looked naturally pretty and so beautiful. Jungkook could stare at him for hours and still not stop or feel like he's done because he knows he won't be. Even if you look or rather stare at Taehyung for years, it's still not enough.

Taehyung wasn't even wearing anything fancy. He simply just wore a white plain T-shirt tucked inside the classic blue jeans. If you had to nail just a boring yet natural look, you have to be Kim Taehyung for it. Jungkook could simply become breathless and even frozen just by this one simply look of Taehyung.

"Are we going or not? You're frozen like the people in frozen as if someone casted a spell on you." Taehyung asked as his confused gaze fell on an awestruck Jungkook. Jungkook was under a spell, Taehyung was correct because Jungkook was under Taehyung's beauty spell without his own knowledge.

"Beast owner?" Taehyung called out again with worry as he placed his cold hands on Jungkook's unnatural warm cheeks and brushed the place with his thumb.

"Y-Yeah?" Jungkook replied, almost stuttered out as Taehyung smiled to himself. Of course this man is straight and he has absolutely no feelings for him.

"We're getting late, are we not?" Taehyung said in a whisper-like tone as Jungkook dumbly nodded his head.

"Shouldn't we leave?" Taehyung again questioned, his hand still on Jungkook's cheek as he found himself blushing, his cheeks automatically turning red with his own actions.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, Yeah you're right we sh--should." Jungkook suddenly replied as he finally fell out of Taehyung's charm and nodded his head vigorously.

And suddenly Jungkook cleared his throat and Taehyung immediately removed his hand from his cheek and looked away with his cheeks tinting red again.

Jungkook noticed him and almost played with his fingers but soon he caught Taehyung's wrist and rushed towards his baby---his Mercedes.

"C'mon we're running late." Jungkook yelled as he ran and Taehyung simply giggled, his eyes being completely stuck on Jungkook's hand holding his wrist.

When they reached the car, they settled down shortly as Taehyung looked at the insides of the car which oddly were all purple. And if he was being honest, it looked amazing and even though he didn't want to say it out loud, he thought he should.

"Your beast is oddly beautiful."

"I told you, you would fall in love with my baby." Jungkook replied, smirking as Taehyung rolled his eyes. This man can call his car 'baby' but can't bend it a little like wet spaghetti for him.

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