Chapter Six.

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When the sunlight managed to peep through the white curtains in Taehyung's new room, all he did was stir a bit and then groaned. He never was a morning person. He dreaded mornings and he never woke up early in his own house.

Today when the light fell on his eyes, he squinted them tightly and sat up on his bed unwillingly. He checked the small table clock beside him and saw it was just eight in the morning. He sighed, this new life suddenly made him wake up early as well.

He rubbed his eyes with his long sleeves of his T-shirt and walked down the stairs towards the kitchen probably to fill his stomach with some water and then with food.

When he entered the kitchen making loud noises due to his slippers, he was surprised when he saw Jungkook already sitting there with a mug in his left hand and his eyes paying attention to the IPad on his right hand. The man definitely is a workaholic. But then again, watching him sitting there like that, Taehyung couldn't help but get a flashback of the events that took place yesterday.

That's his husband now. Taehyung shook his head immediately and got rid of the thought. He doesn't have a husband, well he doesn't believe so.

"Good morning." Jungkook said as Taehyung simply walked inside the kitchen.

Taehyung didn't bother to reply to him, he saw how pancakes were prepared there, he served them on a plate and started eating while walking back inside the dining room where Jungkook was sitting.

"Taehyung." Jungkook said sternly as Taehyung finally looked at him with big doe eyes, mouth full of food, his lips turning into pout and his cheeks filled up getting more fluffy. The sight was adorable and even though Jungkook didn't want to accept it, he did.

"Yesterday when you talked about the rules, I didn't say anything because I was tired but today I want you to know the rules I need you to follow." Jungkook said sternly as he kept the IPad down on the table.

Taehyung simply nodded. Yes, he most of the time is a brat but then this is only fair. If Taehyung needs his rules to be followed, he needs to follow Jungkook's rules and he knows it.

"As we are sharing this house, it will only be fair if we both have half of it to us respectively. If the maids are not available then you will prepare lunch and I will prepare dinner. Breakfast can be done by whoever wakes up first. No touching me and don't expect any husband duties from me. And lastly, I am straight too." Jungkook said as he kept the mug down on the table as well and stared into Taehyung's disinterested eyes.

"Agreed." Taehyung replied, nodding his head, gulping down the food in his mouth.

"I leave for work sharp at nine in the morning. Which also means I will be leaving now." Jungkook said as he stood up but halted in his step when Taehyung said the next sentence.

"Why are you behaving like I am your real husband? Listen, I am not your real husband and nor are you for me."

"I don't have any intention to behave like your husband because I don't even like you but yes because you're staying with me and I am quite older than you, you are automatically my responsibility. Now stop nagging me like a housewife and eat quietly." Jungkook replied as he walked towards the door to leave.

"What? Now I am your puppet or something? Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you can boss me around. And what do you mean by housewife? Stop acting so authorative around me, I am warning you asshole fluff face hyung." Taehyung suddenly spoke up, standing up getting furious.

Jungkook suddenly turned around and walked closer to Taehyung who immediately got nervous.

"W-What are y-you doing? Stay right where you are." Taehyung nervously voiced as he stuttered badly.

"You say you don't behave like a housewife yet look at you being so shy and submissive in front of me." Jungkook said as a small smirk played on his lips. He took another step forward and stood right in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung immediately put up a brave act in front of Jungkook and stood up straight sternly, his face holding no expression yet his heart was simply hammering in his chest.

"I am not shy and I am absolutely not submissive. I am not nervous, you don't make me nervous and stop calling me a housewife you fluff face." Taehyung said sternly, being thankful that he didn't stutter this time.

Jungkook slowly and loosely curled his hands around Taehyung's small waist, his entire hand not touching him just his fingers brushing slightly like a feather.

Taehyung immediately went stiff yet after a second he felt himself calming down even though he doesn't know why.

"You're melting in my touch yet you say you have a girlfriend." Jungkook said softly, his smirk still not leaving his lips.

Something inside him snapped because of that and he pushed Jungkook quite harshly. Jungkook stumbled on his step and caught the table to balance himself orelse he would definitely fall.

"I have a girlfriend and HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME WITHOUT MY CONSENT, YOU ASSHOLE FLUFF FACE HYUNG?" Taehyung yelled as Jungkook simply stood there with a blank face.

"Sure you do, princess but guess what? I don't see her anywhere. Anyway, I am getting late so I don't have time for this." Jungkook said, his smirk back on his lips. He turned around and before Taehyung could reply something he left the house, making sure he had all the necessities with him.

Taehyung stood there frozen because he didn't even know he would burst out like that at Jungkook. He didn't feel bad, why should he? But he rather is confused because he knows Jungkook exactly didn't touch him, yes if a third person would've seen the scene, they would think Jungkook was romantically holding Taehyung's waist but only they both know how only Jungkook's fingertips just touched Taehyung's T-shirt that too in a feathery manner.

What made Taehyung burst out is he felt himself melting in his touch as if that touch was extremely familiar and that scared him. He can't melt in someone else's touch except his Googie hyung.

Now he has another problem. He needs a fake girlfriend. But from where would he get that? He needs help and he knows he can't ask Jimin for it because Jimin would simply lecture him on how he should try and behave like a married person. He doesn't need that now, he needs a fake girlfriend for God sake.

So the only resort he thought of was one of his hyungs from his college or a college friend. He scrolled through his phone and the first name that came to his mind was Kim Minjae. That boy was his best friend in college and they love each other a lot. He would definitely help.

Without another thought he gave him a call. The phone rang, he just hoped Minjae could help him.

Please Minjae, make this a little bit easy for me.

Let's see what else this blondie does!😂😂

I have fun writing these chapters!👀👀

How do you like it so far? Is it alright?🥺🥺

I love you!❤❤



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