Chapter Twenty Four.

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G-Googie hyung, m-my G-Googie hyung is my h-husband, my J-Jungkook?

He slowly with shivering hands took the half infinity sign necklace out and clutched it to his chest. Taehyung fell on his knees with tears flowing from his eyes. He cried loudly, he bawled his eyes out because he couldn't believe this. He didn't recognize his own Googie hyung and on top of that, he fell in love with his Googie hyung all over again even though he didn't know him.

Taehyung cried more loudly as he placed numerous kisses on the necklace because right now he wanted nothing but just to kiss Jungkook, his husband, his Googie hyung. He cried a lot but soon he laughed, he laughed loudly like a kid because he couldn't believe that his Googie hyung was so close to him yet he couldn't recognize him. He needs to run and hug Jungkook immediately because he can't wait.

So he very carefully placed the necklace back in the box and closed the box and kept it in its original place.

He inhaled deep breaths, wiped off his tears hurriedly and ran downstairs and right now he didn't even care about how he looked. He simply ran like he was running for his life, well he technically was running to his life.

When he reached the living room, it was empty. He was in Jungkook's room. Does that mean the man left after their fight? Why is he like this? Why is he this stupid? Taehyung felt so annoyed at Jungkook at the moment. Can't a man wait for a while? They fought so what? Taehyung would eventually give in like always, why did he have to leave? Now look how he would scream his heart out that he is Jun---Googie hyung's Taetae baby.

Taehyung sat down on the couch for a while and then thought that it’s a nice day to go home a bit and then visit Jungkook’s office.

So in the next half an hour he was out of the house on the way to his own home. He only wished Daehyun wasn’t at home at the moment. He reached his house and slowly pressed the bell and as per his luck, Daehyun opened the door. Doesn’t this old man have an office to attend? Taehyung thought and then rolled his eyes passing by his father without even acknowledging him.

“Taehyung, where are your manners?” Daehyun questioned as soon as Taehyung passed by while humming to a song.

“Don’t spoil my good mood right now father.” Taehyung replied though he had no smile on his face.

“Good mood? It doesn’t look like that though? Anyway, what made you so happy that you visited me? You didn’t visit me since the argu—” Daehyun wanted to complete his sentence but he just didn’t—he couldn’t.

“I—I just—nevermind. And I didn’t come to visit you, I thought the home would be empty now so I could paint something here but there you are at home doing god knows what!” Taehyung replied as he sighed loudly.

“Is something bothering you, son?” Daehyun asked softly and maybe after years he called Taehyung as son which surprised both of them.

“Even if something is, why do you think I would share it with you?” Taehyung asked as he raised his eyebrows.

Daehyun sighed as he walked towards the couch and sat down gesturing Taehyung to sit beside him as well.

“I understand you, son. It may sound shocking and unbelievable to you, but I do because you’re my own flesh and blood, I really do understand you.” Daehyun started softly, which made Taehyung squint his eyes at his father.

“Taehyung, son! I—I don’t know how to properly place this but last time when you asked me if I care about you, if I love you, I want to answer that yes! I actually do. My actions may not show it but I really do care about you and I really do love you, my son. I don’t know how we became this distant because when you were in your teenage, I was your best friend. You always ran up to me with these sparkling and large eyes that showed so much of admiration in them which were for me and I couldn’t be more happy but then soon it changed into annoyance, irritation and hatred slowly as you grew up, as your mother died.” Daehyun said as he sighed and looked at his clasped hands on his lap.

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