Chapter Ten.

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Confused? Well don't be because it is just Taehyung having a conversation with his best best friend Jimin over a video call.

"You missed a spot." Jimin replied as he stifled a laugh hearing his best best friend's previous outburst.

"Oh? Thank you Minmin." Taehyung replied as he intensely looked at one spot he missed, his tongue poked out of his mouth, his hands working amazingly on his hair. Yes, he is again dyeing his hair but this time it's going to be light pink and not blonde because he doesn't want a certain someone to call him "Blondie" thank you very much.

"But baby, how does it matter if he has a girlfriend because according to him even you have a girlfriend." Jimin pushed the matter unnecessarily because pushing a matter with Taehyung means stubbornness and foolishness, nothing else.

"Minmin, how can you say so? I can do whatever I feel like but he is not allowed to because I am twenty four and I may be immature but he is thirty and he should be responsible, why should he complicate things unnecessarily, right?" Taehyung replied almost immediately when Jimin simply rolled his eyes, which obviously went unseen by the younger one because he was busy painting his hair.

"You sure are an idiot. I won't call you a brat because for me you won't ever be a brat." Jimin replied as Taehyung made stupid faces at his best best friend.

"I'll let this dry----oh look Bogumie hyung is calling. I'll call you right after I see what he wants, okay Minmin?" Taehyung asked as he pouted and who was Jimin to disagree? So Jimin simply sighed and nodded his head.

"Yo, Bogumie hyung! Are you in town or are you out filming something again?" Taehyung questioned as soon as he picked up the call.

"Before that, you didn't even bother to inform me you got married? And you call me Hyung, huh?" Bogum's disappointed voice echoed in the phone call as Taehyung giggled.

"Gumie hyung, you're so cute! I didn't inform you because it simply is a fake and stupid marriage. It's not even real---" Taehyung said giggling but then he stopped abruptly, his eyes falling on his wedding band on his finger.

"I mean it's real but we are not husband like right now and we won't be as well because you know why." Taehyung said as he stopped giggling.

"Taehyung, let that go, sweetie you know it's useless to hold onto something that happened eighteen years ago. Move on and especially now when you're married. Move forward with your life." Bogum sighed into the call as Taehyung closed his eyes tight.

"It's not easy, I still love him, Gumie hyung. I still love him." Taehyung replied as he closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath.

"I know, but you know how you need to let go. Remember the time when I was so held up to my past but it was you who encouraged me to go forward and look now, I am already celebrating my four year anniversary with the love of my life. Try to let go, Taehyung, just try and if you still can't then fine you can stop." Bogum replied as Taehyung hummed.

"Okay Okay! Did you all talk to Minmin and gang us against me, huh? You're all flowing towards the same direction. So annoying. Now tell me when you're coming back and meeting me?" Taehyung questioned as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Soon! I'll be there within a month or so, I'll meet you and your husband then. I can't wait to meet the man who took away your bachelor life from you." Bogum laughed into the call as Taehyung whined.

"Please he's literally so ann---"

"Taehyung I am so sorry but there's a network problem here so I gotta go, meet you soon! Take care, love ya!" Bogum interrupted Taehyung who sighed and then nodded even though he couldn't see him.

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