A New Teacher

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Morro sighed. He was just having a terrible day. Or was it night? The sky looked the same for the past few hours. He guessed that time never passed in the Departed Realm. He wandered around a bit. He wasn't in the mood to see Ghoultar. He probably should avoid his friends for a while. He doesn't wanna mess up again.
He sat down and curled into a ball. He was a failure. He could never make anyone proud. Not his Sensei, not The Preeminent, nobody. His worst fear was being too nice. He wants to be a better person but he was afraid that he would be judged all over again. His friends were the only people he had left. He could stand to lose them.
"Hey kiddo!" he heard a voice say.
"Oh.great.She's back." Morro muttered burying his face with his knees.
"Kiddo are you ok?" Libber asked
Morro was confused. Why was she being so nice to him?
"No. I'm not ok. I never will be." Morro said  with a bland look on his face.
"Aw kiddo don't be like that!" Libber said so cheerily.
"How are you so positive?" Morro asked her confused
"I died giving birth to my son. After my death, I am determined to help all the kids who died really young." Libber said
"You remind me of someone." Morro blurted out.
"I was the former Elemental Master of Lightning. Perhaps you met my son?" Libber asked hopefully.
Wait a second, this was Jay's mother?! But if that was true... something must have happened for him to be raised by that old couple.
"Yeah, I've encountered him before. His name is Jay." Morro told her.
"Oh, what is he like?" Libber asked him.
Morro sighed and looked up at here.
"I wouldn't know miss. I never fought along side him." Morro told her.
Libber deserves the truth. He couldn't lie to someone like her.
"But then how—"Libber said halfway through a sentence before being cut off.
"I guess you forgot I told you that I was from the Cursed Realm?" Morro said
"Yeah. I did." Libber nervously laughed
"I hurt your son and his friends. I did terrible things miss. Some stuff I regret." Morro said in a sad voice.
Libber looked at him and didn't say a word.
"I want to be a better person. But I don't want to be too nice." Morro admitted
"I think it's nice that you want to be a better person." Libber said
"Your not mad that I hurt your son?" Morro asked confused
"I never knew him, so I wouldn't even know what he looks like.I just hope he's ok now." Libber told him.
Morro sat silently.
"I'll teach you." Libber said
"What?" Morro looked at her confused.
"I'll teach you how to be a better person." Libber offered
"Last time I was mentored things didn't go too well." Morro said still unsure about this woman.
"Who was your mentor?" Libber asked him curiously
"His name was Wu. You know... Son of the First Spinjitzu Master?" Morro told her.
"Wu was never good with kids. One time babysat the previous Elemental Master of Earth's of my time's teenage daughter who was the second child. She dyed his hair a neon green and almost set the monastery on fire." Libber laughed at the memory
"Who was the first child?"Morro asked confused
"It was this boy who reject the idea of wielding the element of earth. He gave it back to his father, so he could pass it to his little sis when the time was right." Libber said
Morro blinked. She spoke really fast so he was trying to translate it.
"Don't worry kid. I'll be an amazing mentor!" Libber said pulling him into a side hug.
Morro's mind went blank.
Wait a second...when did I agree?

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