Through The Storm

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"This place is freaky." Madeline said
"We're not even there yet." Kiara said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, Madeline we aren't even there yet." Morro said sassily.
They were in Kiara's domain. Also known as the part of the Departed Realm where the physics of the Departed Realm are unpredictable.
"It isn't that bad." James said shrugging. He dodged a few branches out of the way as they drove on the high-tech motorcycles that Harumi created.
"Why didn't we take that ship we rebuilt?"  Madeline asked as sweat dripped down her forehead. Her hair moving wildly behind her.
"I think the Preeminent would notice a flying ship." Morro scoffed
"Morro is right. A flying ship is quite noticeable." James said
"It has ship in the name for a reason. It can float you, idiots." Madeline said rolling her eyes.
"You're such a city girl."  Kiara said as she nudged Madeline.
"I feel offended, somehow." Harumi said through comms.
"Living in a city isn't that bad..." Lloyd muttered
"Both of you sound so depressed and miserable." Morro chuckled
"You're the moon of my life, airhead. The idiot I'm unfortunately with is the sun." Harumi said
"Why am I not the sun? I thought you loved me! The betrayal..." Morro whined dramatically.
"We're not even dating." Harumi said bluntly.
It was silent for a few minutes until Harumi spoke again.
"The sun has energy. It's bright and is associated with positivity. It is usually considered essential. But it can also hurt people. That's why Lloyd is the sun." Harumi said in a disgusted tone.
"That actually makes sense metaphorically. But why is Morro the Moon?"  Kiara asked as she swerved through the
"The moon is usually overshadowed by the brightness of the sun. The moon goes through phases. From dark to light to dark again. Light is associated with good. Darkness is associated with evil. You changed from evil to good. A balance of both."  Harumi said
"I actually understood that. And I've met a handful of cryptic people." Lloyd said
"Is that an insult? I'm sure your elders never taught you to speak like that." a voice said behind them
Lloyd turned around just as Harumi went pale.
"Mistaké? What are you doing here?"  Lloyd asked
"Your grandfather wanted me to check up on you." Mistaké said
"Hello, Quiet One." Mistaké said narrowing her eyes at her. 
Harumi merely glanced at her and went back to work.
"Do you feel safe with her around?" Mistaké asked. Her tone was like a snake. Hissing just at the sight of Harumi.
"She doesn't hate me that much anymore. Besides...I've grown stronger." Lloyd said as he lit a green flame in his hand. He stared at it for a while before shapeshifting it into lightning.
"Brag all you want about how you're soooo powerful, but you don't need powers to be strong." Harumi said narrowing C her eyes.
"I know that. I'm not stupid." Lloyd said glancing at Harumi.
Harumi cleared her throat. She lowered he voice.
"I'm Luh-Lloyd! I get kidnapped all the time! I stupidly wander off and almost get killed! My life sucks. But I got to be positive!"  Harumi mocked him by trying to imitate his voice.
"That's not true! And stop saying my name like that!" Lloyd said frustrated
Mistaké rolled her eyes. "Teenagers these days." she muttered as she observed them.
"Focus you two!" James said through the video call. He swerved his vehicle away from the lightning that struck the ground.
Flames grew in front of  Madeline. She speed up her motorcycle and went through the air dodging the flames.
"Nice." Morro said as he approved of the trick.
"Not the time guys!" Kiara said as the ground was collapsing in front of them. They had to take a leap of faith.
"This is insane!" Lloyd said he panicked as he pushed a few buttons. He pulled up a map of where they were.
"Don't you dare get separated! Shut up Luh-Lloyd! Leave the technology to me you amateur!" Harumi yelled.
The feedback rang through their ears.
"Quiet down, why don't you? I'm not in the mood to lose and regenerate new ears." James complained
"We're not gonna make it." Madeline  screamed
"We will." Morro reassured her.
"How can you be so sure?" Madeline asked
"Did you forget that EM's don't quit? We have to think positive! We'll make it!" Morro stated
"I claim copyright! All rights reserved!" Lloyd shouted through his earpiece.
"No. Your mottos are "Ninja never quit!" and "The power of positive thinking!" Totally different!" Morro said  as he rolled his eyes.
"It's the same fucking idea!" Lloyd argued
"Swearing is a sigh of weak vocal skills. Who raised you?" Mistaké asked
"Well I spent half my life in a abusive school...My parents weren't around the other Ninja and my uncle? That's probably why my life sucked. I heard the first kid took care of didn't turn out so well..." Lloyd said after some thought.
An awkward silence was in the air.
"I feel like I'm missing something here." James said
"Yeah, no shit." Kiara said
"Hey, look we made it across!" Madeline said as she looked at the canyon behind them.
"Wait, what?" Morro said as he turned his head around.
"Don't think it's over, guys! Look ahead!" James said
In front of them was a raging blizzard.  The cold was unwelcoming and unnatural.
Everyone got off their bikes and put their winter gear on. On their backs was mountain climbing gear.
"Ready?" Morro asked his team
"Always." Kiara said confidently. The type of confidence you would hear in a battle cry.
"Got your back, bro!" Madeline said
"Lets do this thing!" James said
And so they headed into the snow as the canyon faded from distance. Their shadows fading behind them.

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