Empire of Games (Part 3)

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Morro was worried. Harumi and Lloyd hadn't picked up either of there coffinphones. He was mentally panicking.
"Yo, boss. You okay?" some dude said running up to him.
"Wait, you work for me?" Morro asked
"Yeah. I help clean your house." The dude said
"What is your name?" Morro asked.
"My name is Dylan." Dylan said introducing himself to Morro.
There was a silent pause between the two guys.
"Look, I noticed you look like shit. What the hell happened,boss?" Dylan asked
Morro pouted and poses dramatically.
"Get us some drinks, and I'll tell you." Morro responded.
When Dylan came back with a water and something else presumably for him, he took the special drink.
"Ok, so what's wrong?" Dylan asked
Morro pouted again but this time, the most expressive tears ran down his face.
"Lloyd...Harumi...They left me!" Morro exclaimed like it was a tragedy.
"What?" Dylan asked
"I haven't heard from them in a long time!" Morro said as he cried even harder than the first time.
"I don't think they want me." Morro stuttered
"What? Of course they do! You're their friend!" Dylan exclaimed as he drank his water.
"If I was, why would they ditch me and hook-up?" Morro exclaimed angrily
Dylan spat out the water he was drinking.
"Excuse me?" Dylan asked
"Yeah, they're totally hooking up." Morro said bitterly
"No, I mean, why would you think that?" Dylan asked
"Think about it. They both haven't answered calls or texts, I gave Harumi the day off and I sent Lloyd to go find her or to do shit himself." Morro pointed out
"But don't they hate each other?" Dylan asked
"They're hate banging, obviously. They went to the theme parks hotel, got a room, shut off their phones and banged and are now sleeping cause there exhausted." Morro exclaimed telling Dylan his conspiracy theory.
Dylan raised his eyebrows and he couldn't help but wonder...Does his boss often have very intimate fantasies about his roommates?
"There's got to be another explanation."  Dylan assured.
"Yeah,right.What is so dangerous about a theme park?" Morro retorted
"Well, there's that one theme park in Ninjago that got attacked by various villains."  Dylan pointed out.
"Well that's different! There's nothing shady here!" Morro exclaimed
Morro paused and frowned.
"I wish they were here with me. Even if they are a thing now. I don't care, I just want them back. " Morro said laying his face into the table.
"No, you can't be real. Lloyd is dead." Nya exclaimed. She look like she saw a ghost.
"Uh, yeah. We know." Harumi said like one of those sassy popular girls you see on TV.
Nya turned her head like an owl.
"You, bitch!" Nya said lashing out at Harumi.
"Woah, why dont we all talk like civilized people?!" Jay suggested
"Civilized my ass, babe! Did you forget what she did?!" Nya exclaimed
"Can all of you stop arguing with each other, and help me fight this monstrosity?" Lloyd exclaimed fighting the clone.
"But how can you be here..." Nya asked
"...and over there." Jay finished
"Fight now, explainations later." Harumi said
"4 to 1? That's not fair."Clorumi said
"Life never is." Lloyd responded
Lloyd paused.
"Oh, wait. You don't have one." Lloyd mocked
The clone drew her sword at Lloyd.
"Watch out dumbass!" Harumi shouted pushing Lloyd out of the way, which in the process lost her a life.
"Seriously?I could have handled myself!" Lloyd exclaimed
"No, you would have had the ugliest haircut known to humanity and the dead." Harumi said scoffing
Both Lloyd and Harumi ducked when the clone's blade attempted to cut them again. Unfortunately, Harumi wasn't quick enough.
"Gah, my hair!" Harumi shouted feeling more annoyed with her clone than she was before.
"That's what you get for mocking my hair." Lloyd said with a smirk on his face.
Jay punched the clone in the back.
"Guys, catch!" Jay said kicking the clone.
"Huh, who knew NPC were that light weight?" Harumi exclaimed catching the clone and throwing her at Lloyd.
"You know your technically insulting yourself, right?" Jay pointed out
"What are you implying,Thundershock?" Harumi sneered
"He is implying that you think you are over weight, dear." Lloyd said mockingly
"Don't call me dear. That's grosser than Morro's friend's girlfriend flirting with ever hot,single,famous guy she sees." Harumi scoffed
"Hold up, one of Morro's friends has a girlfriend?" Jay exclaimed
"No offense to Morro's friend, But Morro, was like the only good looking ghost from the Cursed Realm." Nya exclaimed
"Nya, I thought you loved me." Jay said dramatically and jokingly.
"I do Jay! But you got to admit, every other ghost was so ugly that they had had to hide their faces." Nya pointed out
"Besides, you don't have to date/being in a relationship with someone, to know if their hot. Like, if you saw a young and fit celebrity with a sexy voice, you wouldn't say they're ugly. " Harumi agreed
"I can't believe we're talking about this right now." Lloyd muttered
"And I can't believe you're still single and wasting your afterlife away." Harumi scoffed
"Damn, Lloyd! You need some ice for that burn?Maybe when we get back to Ninjago, Zane can help with that!" Jay exclaimed
Harumi frowned as she continued her turn in this game of clone pinball.
If Lloyd leaves, who is she gonna hate? Who is she gonna torture to her heart's desire?
"I'm not even sure if when we run out of lives we'd go to Ninjago with you two at all." Lloyd pointed out
"Yeah, we got here through a carnival attraction that had a collection of abandoned games. We got teleported to this last zone." Harumi agreed
"Hold up! You got here via cheat codes, but we had to go through the whole game?!" Jay screamed
"So unfair." Nya nodded as she squeezed the clone's neck.
"When has life ever been fair to any of us?" Lloyd muttered
"Child, don't give us any of that sass." Nya teased throwing the clone to Jay.
"Yeah, little bro, don't worry, be happy!" Jay exclaimed catching the clone.
"What the fuck kinda motto is that? We're all depressed here, because our lives are shit." Lloyd said bluntly.
"Lloyd, you're dead." Jay responded
"He keeps on forgetting that. I think he's doing drugs or something..." Harumi muttered just loud enough so that they could here her, but soft enough that it isn't that noticeable.
"I'm not doing drugs!" Lloyd screamed
Jay and Nya snickered at the thought of Lloyd doing drugs.
"Then why are you so fucked up?" Harumi sneered
"I don't know, why don't you ask everyone who's ever tried to kill me?!" Lloyd exclaimed angrily.
"Um, what exactly are drugs?" Clorumi asked slightly disoriented.
Not even five minutes later Jay,Nya, Lloyd and Harumi were starting at the clone's unconscious body.
"I know we were only joking about you doing drugs, but where'd you get that shit, Lloyd?" Jay asked curiously, while also being mad that his little bro got access to drugs.
"I know people. I swear it isn't as bad as it sounds." Lloyd tried to explain
Jay and Nya glanced at each other, while Harumi snickered.
"Oh~Little Lloydie has gone bad! Who knew he was capable of such a thing!" Harumi teased
All of them stood there silently together.
"I think we should go back." Lloyd blurted out
"You're coming back with us? Oh, this is so exciting!" Jay exclaimed
"So he never told you? Wu never fucking told you?" Lloyd said angrily
"Wu never tells people shit, according to Morro." Harumi pointed out
"What is Wu hiding from us this time?" Nya asked
Harumi spoke up. "Lloyd said he was happy...in the Departed Realm to Wu using inter realm technology. "  she glanced at Lloyd hoping he'd speak more.
"Lloyd is this true?" Nya asked
"Yeah, Morro gave it to Wu." Lloyd confirmed
"How exactly does Morro fit into this equation?" Jay asked
"Yeah, both of you mentioned him a lot. Is there something going on between you three?" Nya asked
Both Lloyd and Harumi started sweating nervously.
"No!" Lloyd said quickly
"I...uh...agree?" Harumi said awkwardly
Lloyd glared at Harumi with a look that screamed "your not making this any better."
"Can you leave?" Lloyd requested with annoyance
Harumi nodded and grabbed the clone's sword.
"I'll die with honor!" Harumi exclaimed dramatically like a character who dedicated themselves to fighting for honor.
Harumi stabbed herself in the stomach and pulled the dagger out in the most dramatic way possible.
Everyone just looked at her.
"Lloyd, you better fucking make up your mind." Harumi said as she glitched out of existence.
There was a moment of silence between all of them.
"She didn't die with honor." Lloyd muttered

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