Personal Space

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James,Morro and Wrayth were walking through one of the cities. The sky was dark but but there was nothing to signify it as night. Soul Archer was invited but he didn't want to go.
If they were alive it would be quite risky to go out. But thankfully they weren't. It's been what Morro assumes its been a year since they found James. He assumes in a few months it will be two years since he started searching. Kiara and James have been enjoying their new villas.
James suggested earlier going to a waterpark. At some point they went to a pool. Morro thought he could handle it because he had water sprayed and dumped on him but unfortunately 2 minutes after he jumped in the water...
Morro glared at the water and immediately jumped out.
"It's trying to eat me!" Morro whined
"Dude. Let go of me." Wrayth said trying to shake Morro off his leg.
"But it's water! It's cold and wet and..." Morro said listing off his reasons
"And unable to hurt us anymore. Bro just give water a chance."Wrayth said
Morro felt himself being lifted up.
"James put me down!" Morro said squirming
Morro was soon yeeted into the water.
Memories flashed through Morro's mind as he fell into the water. Memories of him being pulled under the Endless Sea.
His friends pulled him out of the water and wrapped him in a towel. They apologized over and over before leaving to go on the other water rides.
Morro went to get ice cream and snacks while his friends played.
Not too long ago they left the waterpark and were going to get a late dinner.
They heard screams come from the alley way ahead of them. They ran to the source of the screams. Morro and Wrayth couldn't see in the dark but James could. James piercing blue eyes dilated and glew an unnatural blue.
"I wanna break up." A black haired girl with pale skin and amber eyes said firmly
"You can't break up with me!" A redhead boy with green eyes and freckles said digging his nails into her skin.
The girl winced in pain but teleported out of the boy's sight.
"You can run, but you can't hide!" The boy said
"Morro, she's the Space Elemental." James said
"Really?" Morro said raising an eyebrow
"Positive." James said
The girl appeared right in front of them. In the dim lighting she noticed them.
"Please get me out of here." the girl said with a whisper
"I'll carry her.James, you make sure her boyfriend isn't following us.Wrayth stay with James. " Morro said
James nodded as Morro flew with the girl in his arms.
Wrayth just grunted.
He arrived at Kiara's house. He ran the doorbell.
"Dude! It's dark!Why did you come at such an ungodly hour?!" Kiara shouted
"Elemental Master....Space...Abusive Boyfriend..." Morro said panting in between words.
Kiara looked down at the girl and saw her injuries.
"Come inside you two." Kiara said
Kiara cleaned up the girl who name was Madeline and told her to rest.
James arrived soon after. According to him, Wrayth went to his girlfriend's place.
The next morning they told her she was the Elemental Master of Space. And that they wanted her to join them in protecting the Departed Realm.
Madeline was shocked and too traumatized.
"I think I need to think this over. I don't think I can process this in just one day." Madeline said
"Ok. Take your time. We won't rush you." Kiara said
They escorted her to her villa. After they all sent some of their guards there.
They could only hope she would join them.

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