Lloyd meets Garmadragon, and causes Drama

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Lloyd felt embarrassed. He...One of the most overpowered Elemental Masters...got rescued by Morro, of all souls. The Walloper was moving really fast. Lloyd hung on tightly.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED?!" Lloyd screamed fearing for his life.
"WE'RE ALREADY DEAD, STUPID!" Morro yelled back.
Lloyd blinked. That was right....He was dead....
FSM, he sounded like an idiot.
"So you still haven't accepted your dead yet." Morro said raising an eyebrow.
Denial. Lloyd had been denying that he was dead. He just made himself believe that he was in a coma, or an endless fever dream, or hallucinating.
Morro looked down at Lloyd. Morro rolled his eyes. "Why do I love this idiot?" Morro muttered to himself.
"Did you say something?" Lloyd asked
Morro narrowed his eyes.
"NOPE! I said absolutely nothing!" Morro lied
"Oh...Ok..." Lloyd said looking down.
Lloyd knew Morro was lying. Which was funny, because he has got to be one of the most manipulative people he's ever encountered.
"Where are we going?" Lloyd asked
Morro ignored him.
Lloyd scowled. Morro shouldn't ignore him! His job is to lead and care for Elemental Masters! Even the rogue ones! That is if they aren't out to kill me or hate me like that Chamille chick.
Lloyd decided that Morro fell into the "I hate everything about you, but I don't want you to get hurt." category ever since DOTD.
"Asshole?! Speak to me! Don't give me any attitude, you former emo ghost asshole!" Lloyd
shouted as he squirmed.
"DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!" Morro yelled
Lloyd panted and tried to catch his breath.
He hadn't screamed like that in ... when was the last time he screamed like that? Perhaps it was the husk of his father or that bitch Morro calls his friend, what does he see in her anyway? Lloyd refused to use any label of attachment to her. She'll never be his friend, ex-girlfriend, or adoptive sister. It's like he said earlier. She has no true beauty. It's all just make-up. Morro, on the other hand, is like that toxic friend and jerk cousin he never had, and Lloyd actually cares for him to some degree.

"We're here!" Morro announced opening the door.

"Morro, your back!" a blond woman said opening the door.

"Morro, Who's this?" the blond woman asked

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon." Morro said

Lloyd frowned. How the fuck did Morro know his middle name?

The only way he could know is if he was their around the time he was born. And as far as he knew, communication between realms are limited. And he was like what/ physically sixteen? Unless his Dragon and Oni blood made him age slower, there was no way, he could have known. He would have remembered them going to the hospital and looking through files.

"Oh! So your Garm's kid!" the woman said

Garm? He's never heard someone refer to his father so informally.

"Libber, Former Master Of Lightning." Libber said introducing herself

Hold up. If Libber was the former master of lightning, and Jay's parents were Edna and Ed...

"JAY WAS ADOPTED?!" Lloyd shouted

"No matter how many times I hear that, its still a shock to me."Libber laughed nervously.

"Yo, Garm! Your son is here!" Libber yelled
In flew Garmadragon. He landed in front of them.
"Wait...THAT DRAGON WAS MY DAD?!" Lloyd said finally realizing that dragon that saved Harumi was his dad.
"Surprised?" Morro nudged him
"Yes! I am!" Lloyd said crossing his arms.
He was his dad's only child. Harumi is a fake.
A void out of nowhere opened up.
"Bro, I can hear blondie shout even from my pocket dimension." Madeline said inside the void.
"Shouldn't you be dealing with the mob?" Morro asked
"Shouldn't you start planning more events with your fans?" Harumi said as she opened the door. James and Kiara followed her soon after.
Lloyd glared at Harumi in disgust.
"YOU!" Lloyd screamed lashing out at her.
"You're a terrible liar!" Lloyd accused
"Me? I hate to break this honey, but that just you!" Harumi said patting his head like he was some dog as she taunted him.
Lloyd scoffed. If anything she was the bitch.
"Oh yeah?! You say you hate me...But you saved me!" Lloyd said with confidence.
Harumi raised her eyebrow.
"No! I saved the airhead! You were just an obstacle!" Harumi denied.
"Me? An obstacle? If anything that you! You ruined everything!" Lloyd retorted
"What?! You ruined my life! No scratch that...you ruin everything!" Harumi said as confidently as Lloyd's argument.
As they argued, they didn't even notice that their friend, Morro, who was the only soul that was keeping them from hurting each other slipped away with Madeline to her pocket dimension to discuss things like spatial rifts and temporal energy, alternate timelines, etc. .
"Are you filming this?" Kiara whispered to James
"Yeah." James nodded
Lilly, Libber and Garmadragon looked at each other and wondered...What is wrong with these kids?

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