Morro learns women are terrifying

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Morro kept running from that blond lady. She seemed nice, but he didn't want her niceness corrupting him.
He soon bumped into something. Or more specifically someone.
"There you are! I heard you ran from everyone else. You know they can't handle themselves."  Bansha said in concern
"That's why your the mom of the group." Morro said sarcastically.
"No I'm not!" Bansha protested
Extremely times call for extremely measures Morro thought.
He pulled the puppy eyes on her and wobbled his lip for extra effect.
"Don't look at me like that." Bansha said
Time for phase 2 Morro thought.
He pulled out the fake tears and hugged her. He looked up at her.
"I don't wanna lose you and the others! You and the others are amazing souls—" Morro said before being interrupted
"You can't lose us if we are dead." Bansha said
Morro gasped in shocked.
"I still have emotions! None of the guys and you will betray me right?" Morro said in dramatic way with an obvious pout.
"Your such a drama Queen." Bansha said facepalming herself.
"Excusez moi, I am a dude!" Morro said sassily
"Please stop right now." Bansha complained as Morro stared at her while squinting a bit.
"What?! Do you want a bedtime story or something?" Bansha said sarcastically
"I would. If I knew what time it is!" Morro said with a whine
"I was joking!" Bansha said screaming at him. If Morro wasn't dead, he'd probably be deaf.
"What's a joke?" Morro said pulling the oblivious eyes.
"Oh you insufferable asshole of a child!" Bansha shouted
Morro just smiled like nothing was wrong.
"Buh-bye!" Morro said flying away. He was nervous and scared for his afterlife. Hopefully he won't be hurt.
1 friend down, 3 more to go.
As he flew, he heard someone shouting in this distance. Interested he flew downward.
"Airhead meet my new girlfriend!" Wrayth said
"Excuse me but WHAT?" Morro shouted
Wrayth looked kinda shocked.
"Do you really expect me to believe that you got a girlfriend not to long after arriving here!" Morro said slightly panicked
"Uh?Yes?"Wrayth said nervously
"Uh hi?" Wrayth's girlfriend squeaked
Morro glared at her and looked at her almost as if he was examining her.
"Look lady, I don't know who you are but if you hurt my bro over here I will blast you with my powers as far as I can!" Morro said growling
"Aww...your friend is sees you like a big brother! He does seem overprotective though." Wrayth girlfriend said as she tried to stroke Morro's cheek.
"Get your filthy hands off me woman!" Morro hissed pushing her away.
He ran from Wrayth and his girlfriend. If his girlfriend is around all the time, he will feel less safe. Maybe Soul Archer or Ghoultar actually have common sense left in them. He needs to get away from all these crazy women.

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