Construction Plans

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"So this dude is the Elemental Master of Sight?" Morro said raising an eyebrow.
"His adopted parents thought he was insane. He died in a mental hospital." Kiara said
"So that's why he's dressed like that." Morro remarked
"Yeah." Kiara agreed
"You know I'm right here right?" James said awkwardly
"I am aware." Morro said
James squirmed in his seat.
"So I have an announcement to make." Morro said
"Oh, what is it?" Kiara asked
"By babysitting some kids of celebrities in my free time, I got enough money to start building the villas." Morro announced
"That's great!" Kiara said with a smile
"So where would you like them located?" Morro asked them
Kiara looked at the map on the table in front of her.
"We should put them in the 3 other cities in the Departed Realm. Those souls will be our main focus." Kiara said
"But what about poor souls?" James asked
"We can recruit skilled fighters to watch over those towns if their interested. That way we cover most of the Departed Realm." Kiara said
"That's not a bad idea." Morro said in agreement
"Why are there going to be three villas? Isn't this mansion enough for you Morro?" James asked
"Oh it isn't for me. There is one more Elemental Master that needs to be recruited. The Elemental Master of Space." Morro said
"James, Morro's mansion is going to be our headquarters after the villas are built." Kiara told him.
"Ok, I understand now. But I have one question." James said
"What is it?" Kiara asked
"Can I get new clothes?" James said embarrassed
"Oh yeah!" Morro exclaimed calling his fashion designer
James got new sets of clothes the very next day.
James knew from here on out, his life would get better.

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