Your Not Alone

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A/N: A half of this chapter takes place in Morro's and Harumi's dreamscapes.

Morro was walking through the Caves of Despair. Sensei Wu was stupid. He was destined to be the Green Ninja! He was destined to be a hero! As he traveled further and further into the cave he felt the heat wave come at him. Perhaps, he should go back? Morro felt the cave shake and flames grow in front of him. He flew toward the entrance only to realize it was blocked by some boulders. He was trapped. The flames grew closer. Morro cried in agony. He heard his Sensei's voice in his head. "You failed, Morro."
Morro was currently shaking in his sleep. A feeling of fear washed over him. But he wasn't the only one who had trouble sleeping.
Harumi was playing with action figures in her family's apartment. The apartment began to shake. The news channel reported that a giant snake was attacking Ninjago and citizens were required to evacuate. The stairwell was destroyed, leaving them with no choice but to use the elevator.
"There's no room." a man said
Harumi's parents glanced at her.
"Please,take her." Harumi's father said
"No! Mama! Papa I want to stay with you!" Harumi cried before being pushed in the elevator. When they got out she saw the building crumble before her eyes.
Harumi was holding onto one of her pillows. She buried herself into it's warmth.
The agony of the flames stopped. Morro opened his eyes to a new scene Morro felt himself sinking and being pulled down into the Endless Sea. He felt himself suffocating as he was pulled down deeper. He could still hear his Sensei's voice in his head. He blacked out. His Sensei's words were no longer his, but they were hers.
"You failed, Morro." the Preeminent said with disgust
"I'm sorry?" Morro laughed nervously
"Your a traitor and a failure, Master of Wind." the Preeminent said disappointedly
Morro didn't say anything and had a blank face.
"The next time we cross paths, it won't be a happy sight." the Preeminent said before disappearing.
He wished he never followed her. The abuse and manipulation she used on him still haunted him.
I'm front of her. She saw a family forcing their son into an elevator.
As she looked at them a flashback flickered within her mind and she was reminded of herself.
"Mom! Dad! Don't leave me!" the boy said
"Families...stick together..." Harumi muttered to herself
She lead them down the fire escape ladder before the building crumbled with her. Before being hit with the rubble, she smiled sadly and thought to herself, "I guess all fairytales do end in tragedy."
Both Morro and Harumi woke up. They both hated the fact that their terrible memories can manifest into dreams.
Morro turned the light on in his room. There was no way he could go back to sleep now.
Harumi decided to take a walk around the mansion. The halls were dark,quiet, and empty.
She felt more relaxed that the other servants were gone. She got so lost in her thoughts for how beautiful the sight was, she tripped and fell. She fell in front of a door. The door creaked open only to reveal a familiar face. Morro.
"What are you doing up?" Morro asked raising an eyebrow
"Uh, bad memories." Harumi said
Morro nodded and dragged her in his room.
"Wait a sec..Hey! Stop pulling my hair!" Harumi screamed
"Talk." Morro demanded as they sat on his bed.
"I don't talk about my feelings. That's for sappy-depressed people." Harumi scoffed
Morro rolled his eyes.
"Stop that! You know you agree!" Harumi teased
Morro clung onto to her.
"Shut up~." Morro whined
"Your friends were right about you." Harumi smiled
Harumi stroked Morro hair. His breathing slowed.
"Don't worry kitten. Your safe." Harumi said softly
Morro looked up at her with wide puppy-dog eyes.
"Kitten...I'll stay as long as you need me to." Harumi smiled
"Really?" Morro said shocked
"Yes. Kitten I promise." Harumi said as she turned off the light.
"Why did you bring a pillow?" Morro asked in the dim lighting cause by a lamp.
For some reason, Morro looked jealous, but Harumi had no idea why.
"Why wouldn't I?" Harumi asked him
"Pillows won't cuddle you back." Morro whispered
Harumi blinked then put the pillow behind her.
Morro smiled a cheeky smile.
"Just because we're doing this doesn't mean we're dating." Morro said stubbornly
"I understand. Only a stupid person would immediately hop into a relationship without getting to know them." Harumi said
They both fell asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: Well this is the first Jadestorm chapter where Morro and Harumi actually get along. Next Chapter, Lloyd dies and he meets Harumi and Morro again. But I have two scenarios for that. Readers, do you want Harumi and Morro being teleported to the Grasslands, or do you want Lloyd and FSM flying on the FSM's dragon to the Departed Realm. Please vote in the comments.

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