Carnival Day (Part 1)

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Harumi and Morro looked down at Lloyd. He was lying down in the kitchen
"Damn, he passed out hard." Morro said
"Couldn't sleep?" Harumi teased
"I've been dead for years. I'm a light sleeper." Morro explained
How long do you think it will take for him to wake up?" Harumi asked
"Longer than he was with a hangover." Morro said
"Um, context?" Harumi asked
Morro just smirked and grinned.
"Hey! Don't you dare avoid me!" Harumi demanded
Morro thought back to that day.
"Mor, can we leave?" Lloyd slurred
"No! Shut up!" Morro scolded
"But there is a creepy guy over there." Lloyd pointed out towards the end of the bar in the corner of the room.
"Not an issue,Greenie!" Morro barked
"Mor, I'm bored." Lloyd sighed
"Not my problem." Morro rolled their eyes.

"He was whiny and annoying." Morro said quickly. Hopefully that got her to stop talking.
"Well duh... You we're holding him hostage!" Harumi said throwing her arms up.
Harumi turned to the blond idiot that was snoring on the ground.
She wrinkled her nose and rolled her her eyes in annoyance
"Sleeping beauty~ wakey-wakey...We have a long day ahead of us." Harumi said kicking Lloyd awake.
"Five more minutes...stupid..." Lloyd sleep muttered
"Mor,do you have a bucket?" Harumi asked
Morro look at Harumi curiously.
"There should be one in the greenhouse..." Morro said
In an instant, Harumi was gone.
"Huh. I wonder what that was about?" Morro spoke to himself.
Not even five minutes later he heard a faucet running.
"Harumi?" Morro asked hesitantly afraid to look behind him.
Soon the faucet stopped.
Suddenly the room felt cold and no, it wasn't the AC.
It was an eerie cold.
"Take this, loser!" Harumi said confidently as she kicked the bucket of water.
The bucket of water flew in the air and landed on their precious Lloydie.
Morro was feeling mixed emotions.
On one hand he was like, "Damn, that woman has a strong leg. She kicked a metal bucket." On the other hand, "FSM, there's water on me! Time to panic! Ugh, I hate water!"
On his third hypothetical/invisible hand "Why did she drown my poor, precious angel? Poor Lloydie."
Lloyd was now soaking wet and coughing and sputtering water.
"What the heck, Harumi!" Lloyd shouted as he positioned himself to sit up.
"Get up lazy ass. Time to have some fun!" Harumi said to him in this cheery voice that sounded so fake. Like the rest of her of course.
"Wait, why are we in the kitchen?" Lloyd asked
"You don't remember?" Harumi asked him
"What do you mean?" Lloyd said cautiously narrowing his eyes.
"Well you see..." Harumi started
"Seriously, Lloyd you just had to steal the first cookie?" Harumi exclaimed
"We should've seen it coming. He's a total sugar addict." Morro said with a smirk.
"Well he better not eat the whole tray. We should all cherish our teamwork. Not scarf it down like pigs." Harumi exclaimed
"That sounds stupid. Sounds like something this guy I know would say." Lloyd said nonchalantly
"He wouldn't happened to look like your clone would he?" Morro asked jokingly
"Huh?How did you know!!" Lloyd gasped and his voice rising higher in pitch with each word. Like he was on helium.
"Did you drug him?" Morro asked Harumi.
Harumi scoffed.
"If I put something in the cookies, we would all look like Sunshine." Harumi exclaimed furiously.
"Who in their right mind would want to be sunshine?" Morro exclaimed
"You apparently."Lloyd replied
"Shut up Golden boy! That was different!" Morro argued
"Ah, Different? I see hmm..." Lloyd said imitating a French accent.
"I am going to throw you in the oven. That accent is terrible."Morro exclaimed
"Hmm... I wonder what Roasted Lloyd tastes like...sweet and creamy?" Harumi teased
"Rich and flavorful?" Morro suggested
Lloyd panicked and ran in circles thinking they were serious and hit his head on the wall.
"Ah, so that explains the headache." Lloyd said rubbing his translucent head.
They all stood there in silence. Well except Lloyd, he was silent and wet.
"Ok, then time to get ready!" Harumi said breaking the silence by clapping her hands and pushing both boys out of the kitchen.
"Seriously?" Lloyd exclaimed
"Yes, seriously." Harumi retorted.
"C'mon, Lloyd." Morro said winking to Harumi as he dragged the former ninja out the door.
Harumi was looking at her vanity mirror while she was brushing her hair and smoothening out every knot as it ran through her hair.
It was quite peaceful until a little parasite poked his head into her room.
"Yo,Rums? Do you have a hairbrush?" Lloyd asked
"You're asking me...for a hairbrush?" Harumi asked raising an eyebrow.
"Uh...Yes?" Lloyd asked nervously, dragging out the Yes.
Harumi threw a hairbrush towards Lloyd.
"Goddamn it, woman we're you trying to poke my eye out?!" Lloyd exclaimed
Harumi walked up to him slowly. She pinned him against the wall.
"Actually I was hoping for something more violent." Harumi responded running a vengestone dagger down his neck.
She traced his upper body with the blade. From his neck, to his arms, to his torso. She smiled watching the green goo leak out of him.
"Would you be a dear, and get a hairtie from the airhead?" Harumi asked in a creepy high pitched voice.
"What's in it for me?" Lloyd asked hesitantly
"I will stay out of your precious blond locks for the majority of the day hon! Won't that be nice?" Harumi asked with a wide smile as she tilted her head.
Lloyd thought for a moment.
"Deal. And don't call me hon." Lloyd responded
Lloyd started to leave room. But before he left someone stopped him.
"Lloyd?" Harumi asked her back now facing him as she started putting mascara on.
"What?" Lloyd asked annoyed
"Put a shirt on loser." Harumi responded
Lloyd just slammed the door. What the hell did he get himself into?

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