Day of The Departed (Part 2)

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A couple hours later, they all went back to the tree. The leaves seemed almost crystallized because of it's unnatural shine, but the leaves still had the same texture of any other leaves. The Departed Realm was now vibrate with colors.
For those who had never spend a Day of The Departed in the Departed Realm, it was almost blinding to see such vibrate colors. Even Morro had to put on the designer sunglasses he stole from Kai.
They all sat down in a circle and had a some of the food displayed on tables around the tree.
"Why do I feel like we're a cult?" Wrayth said before a small portal opened up between them.
"I swear it wasn't me!" Wrayth panicked
Everyone turned to Morro.
"What are you all look at me for?" Morro asked nervously
"Well your the only one of us who is probably capable of casting a spell!" Bansha accused him
"Ghoultar thinks we shouldn't accuse each other." Ghoultar muttered but it was loud enough for anyone to hear him.
"It doesn't matter which one of us did it. We have to decide." Soul Archer declared.
Morro blinked twice and tilted the sunglasses. It took him a few seconds too late.
"Not It!" Bansha, Soul Archer, and Wrayth said.
Before Morro could protest, they picked him up and yeeted him into the portal.
He felt himself falling a long way down in darkness. Until he hit something. For a moment he felt like he was paralyzed.
Frustrated on where he was he let out a growl. He would get revenge on his friends later.
To his surprise, he heard his own voice. He opened his eyes after he realized he could move.
He looked around and instantly caught sight of someone looking at him. A Skulkin.
"Who the fuck are all of you?" Morro shouted

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