Planning the Mission

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"Morro you're back!" Harumi said with wide eyes as she pounced on him.
He saw Lloyd running towards them. He looked frustrated but relieved somehow.
"We're only here briefly. We are going to leave again. " Morro said sternly
Both Lloyd and Harumi's faces turn pale with dread.
"No! Don't leave me with her/him!" Lloyd and Harumi begged as they clung onto Morro's legs.
Morro rolled his eyes.
"Harumi isn't as bad as you think Lloyd. And Harumi, please restrain from killing Lloyd." Morro said facepalming at his friends' idiocy.
Lloyd and Harumi grew frustrated at Morro.
He didn't know the nightmares they made each other endure.
"Uh, Lloyd? What's on your face?" Morro said gesturing to his cheek.
Lloyd ran to a mirror and looked in it. He saw makeup smeared on half of his face.
He could have sworn he washed it off! Ugh.
That stupid bitch. Why couldn't she leave him alone!
Just because Morro wasn't around doesn't mean that... she could just do whatever she wanted! It was absolutely illogical!
Lloyd washed his face and came back with a fake grin on his face.
"Thanks for telling me, man. Don't know what I'd do without cha."  Lloyd said as he patted Morro's shoulder.
"No problem, dude." Morro replied
Kiara came in her olive translucent skin was glowing, and her strawberry blond hair was shining. Her frustration was visible in her brown eyes.
"I didn't do this for you airhead, I did it for Maddie." Kiara said. It was clear she was still kind of upset.
They all headed towards the control room.  In the center of the room was the table, where they planned every single battle strategy.

"Now we all know about why we're here." Morro said as he opened up a digital map of the Departed Realm.
"Our main goal is to check here." Morro said
More pulled up a an incoming video call. He opened it and two children barely in their teens appeared on camera. It was clear that they are scouts, with all the equipment they had, but Morro didn't recognize them.
Kiara, on the other hand, however, did.
"Ryder and Felicity? Is something wrong?" Kiara asked
"Long story short? Tentacle lady has gotten restless and attacks more frequently that before, something is putting her on edge." Felicity said as long glow tentacle swag towards them flimsily.
It missed them. But it was clear chaos was happening. It seemed that it didn't happen monthly anymore, and now changed to at least weekly.
Kiara looked horrified for a moment. She narrowed her eyes in frustration.
"If that squid bitch think she can attack one of my towns without any consequences, she has a whole team of Elemental Masters coming to kick her slimy butt." Kiara yelled
"Kiara calm down." Harumi said.
"Princess. I am calm!" Kiara denied.
"Do they know?" Lloyd whispered to Harumi.
"I might have hinted it to Madeline, but Kiara knows. I don't know about everyone else. They just called me that because I seemed like a brat when I first arrived. The nickname stuck." Harumi said
"They know what you did, but not what you were?" Lloyd said confused                                                      "Yeah. I prefer to keep it that way. Nobody needs to listen to your life story unless they ask. Souls are more interested in how you died, Luh-Lloyd." Harumi said as she pronounced his name incorrectly just to piss him off. 
"I hate you so much, but since we're friends with him, I unfortunately have to tolerate you." Lloyd said as he shook his head in disappointment. 
"Likewise. Only, you going back to life wouldn't be much of a loss, though. You're like a cloud. When you disappear, it's a beautiful day." Harumi grinned and laughed.
"But time doesn't pass in the Departed Realm because all the realms measure time differently." Lloyd said factually.
"And here I thought you didn't have a brain. I guess it's too small to comprehend most things then." Harumi smirked
   "Are you two finally getting along?" Morro asked glancing up at both of them before looking down.
He was clearly planning battle formations. His whole team was huddling against him.  Both Lloyd and Harumi narrowed their eyes and glanced at each other briefly.
"We're Uh...improving. We still hate each other. Right Harumi?" Lloyd elbowed Harumi roughly.
"Are you trying to break my ribs? Ugh, I hate you!" Harumi hissed
"I guess it was too much too hope for..." Morro sighed and shook his head.
He looked towards his team.
"C'mon team! Let's move out!" Morro said leading them out the door.
"Did you hear anything else from Morro during our conversation?" Harumi whispered to Lloyd
"No idea." Lloyd responded bluntly.
"Damn it! First Spinjitzu Master....We're so screwed..." Harumi said facepalming
"Uh actually....I'm a virgin." Lloyd admitted
"Did I ask for your commentary?!" Harumi yelled
"Uh...No?" Lloyd said unsure.
"Wrong answer!!" Harumi shouted
Harumi grabbed Lloyd by the wrist and dragged him across the floor and tossed him into the kitchen.
"Do something useful and make us some snacks. I'll be the tech person." Harumi demanded
"Hey! I know how to use technology! Aren't you the maid?!" Lloyd complained
"Your understanding of technology is basic. You can never comprehend high tech with your feeble mind." Harumi said mocking Lloyd.
"Now go make food!" Harumi said as she kicked him out of the room and locked the metal doors.
Lloyd blinked a few times processing everything that just happened.
"Well that went well." Lloyd said to himself.

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