The Second Encounter

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Morro was walking down the halls to Harumi's room. Today was the day. The day that she would meet the other aspect of Garmadon. After Garmadon was separated from his Oni aspect of him, his body went through changes slowly. He didn't even look human anymore.
He knocked on Harumi's bedroom door.
He heard a groan on the other side of the door.
"What do yah want?" Harumi said in a slurred voice. She was obviously half-asleep.
"Get up, we're going out." Morro said impatiently
"Hold on... can you wait for a few minutes so I can get ready?" Harumi requested
"Waiting? But I hate waiting! It's beneath me!" Morro said dramatically.
"Patience, Morro." Harumi said
"You sound like one of my ghost friends. He said that once." Morro said as he reminisces
Harumi opened the door.
"Ok. Where we going airhead?" Harumi said clinging onto his arm.
Morro rolled his eyes.
"You'll see."Morro said suspiciously
Harumi looked around.she could see her fellow maids staring at her. Some were whispering about them.
They rushed out of the mansion. Morro was leading her somewhere. They ran into two of his friends along the way.
"Oh, hey Morro how's life, you little munchkin!" Bansha said running up to him
"Munchkin?" Harumi asked in between snickers
"Yeah. When he isn't in his mental age form, he tiny, he's whiny and awfully clingy." Bansha said making fun of him.
"Not to mention, he still hates water to a certain degree." Soul Archer said
Harumi's eyes shown with a realization.
"Morro is like an adowable wittle kitten!" Harumi said with a smile.
Morro was turning red with embarrassment and frustration.
"Yes, he is. So make sure you give him lots of attention." Bansha said agreeing
"Ok!" Harumi smiled mischievously
To break the conversation, Morro decided to ask a question.
"Are you two on a date?" Morro asked with a grin
"What?No!" Bansha and Soul Archer protested
"Hey, guys!" Wrayth said as he dragged Ivy's arm.
Both Soul Archer and Morro rolled their eyes at the sight of them.
"We're going drinking in what feels like a few days, Wanna join?" Wrayth asked
"Oh! It will be so exciting! I'd love to get to know each of you even more!" Ivy said fluttering her eyelashes
Ivy turned to look at Harumi.
"Oh! Morro! You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend!" Ivy whined
Harumi looked at her strangely. Morro could tell she was confused.
"She's Wrayth's girlfriend."Morro whispered
"She's hitting on you. It's subtle, but it still." Harumi told Morro.
"I know. I want to expose her, but I want it to be when she is vulnerable and least expecting it." Morro whispered back
"I'm not his girlfriend. It's complicated."Harumi told them.
Morro looked up and saw the building ahead.
"I'll take you up on that offer Wrayth. Anyway, me and Harumi have to go..." Morro said dragging Harumi away from the group.
"So...Who we're they?" Harumi asked Morro
"Former members of the Ghost Army that I eventually saw as family." Morro said as he knocked on the door.
"Morro, you didn't tell us you were visiting!Oh, and you brought someone new!" Libber said with a smile.
"Who's she?" Harumi whispered.
"I'm the Former Elemental Master of Lightning." Libber said as she introduced herself to Harumi.
"Your Jay's biological mom?He's adopted?!" Harumi said shocked
"Adopted?..." Libber muttered. Tears were streaming down her eyes and she could barely make a word out.
Libber gestured for them to come in.
"Hello, again Morro." Garmadon said from the other room
Harumi gasped at the sound of the voice. She didn't expect this.
As they both walked closer to the room, she found something or more specifically someone.
In front of her stood a human-sized talking black and purple dragon.
"Hello to you too,  Garmadon." Morro said slightly bowing
"That's Garmadon?!" Harumi said between wheezes
"I really wonder what my other self saw in you,Harumi." Garmadon said as smoke came out of his nostrils.
"He saw his adopted daughter and only child." Harumi said
"I feel like we're missing some crucial information here." Morro said sarcastically
"Oh, the GreenBean was disowned by the darker aspect of you." Harumi said bluntly
"I see." Garmadon said. If he had eyebrows he probably would have raised them.
"I think what I did to the GreenBean was overkill. And I regret most of my mistakes." Harumi said guiltily
"I suppose I can forgive you." Garmadon said
Morro smiled. With everyone being nice to Harumi, he could finally make her his friend.

A/N: Ok! Harumi is on good terms with mostly everyone. Next Chapter, Morro and Harumi friendship actually begins

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